Mestre: prevention and control services in the territory strengthened. 3 subjects arrested for drugs.

As part of the strengthening of prevention and control services in the territory aimed at combating metropolitan crime, urban decay and drug addiction in the territory of Mestre and the historic center of the lagoon city, the activity of the State Police of Venice continues incessantly.

Mestre: prevention and control services in the territory strengthened. 3 subjects arrested for drugs.

In the context of strengthening of prevention and control services in the territory aimed at combating metropolitan crime, urban decay and drug addiction in the area of ​​Mestre and the historic center of the lagoon city, the activity of the Venice State Police continues incessantly.

Specifically, the Flying Squad police officers of the Venice Police Headquarters carried out 3 arrests, one in the historic centre of the lagoon city against a person who was allegedly found in possession of a narcotic substance at the emergency room of the Civil Hospital, and two others on the mainland, in the Mestre area.

Still within the scope of the activity of contrasting crimes related to narcotics, on Friday 27th September last, the Flying Squad officers they arrested a foreign citizen suspected of possession of narcotics for the purpose of dealing.

Another episode, which occurred on the mainland, dates back to the afternoon of Saturday 28 September, when the Flying Squad officers achieved an important outcome in the context ofactivities to combat predatory crimes, arresting a foreign citizen suspected of theft.

Specifically, the Flying Squad police officers of the Venice Police Headquarters intervened in Venice-Zelarino, following a report of burglary in a home.

In particular, a lady allegedly saw a man enter her neighbor's house and then ride away on a bicycle. The officers, thanks to the subject's description, they quickly identified and blocked the alleged perpetrator of theft.

The man, a foreign citizen with several previous convictions for property crimes, as well as the recipient of a Mandatory Expulsion Order issued by the Police Chief of Venice, was arrested for aggravated home burglary and possession of weapons and objects capable of causing offence.

The positive outcome of the activity was achieved thanks to the timely reporting of the citizen who did not hesitate to contact the emergency number of the Police Force.

The Venice Police Headquarters, although it has strengthened its territorial control services aimed at preventing and combating such criminal episodes, with a view to preventing this type of crime, also, suggests a series of precautions to citizens aimed at reducing the incidence of risk, such as always lock the entrance door with the locks, which is very important because the armored door, not closed with the bolts, can be opened extremely easily. It is also remembered that close the windows carefully, especially those located on the ground floor and avoid to leave inside your own home large sums of money, jewelry or valuables, unless you have a safe to keep them safe.

If you do not use alarm or video surveillance systems, it is suggested to keep in mind that the visibility of light and noise create a deterrent effect for intruders because they simulate the appearance of the presence of people; it is therefore possible also implement further measures suitable for simulating the presence of people, such as having your mailbox emptied by family members or trusted friends (since the accumulation of mail shows that there is no one at home) or using timers to automatically turn on the lights or television; Avoid putting your name and address on the key tags, and avoid posting travel or vacation plans on social networks; in the event of long-term absences, where possible, inform neighbors or trusted friends/relatives so that they pay attention to the home.

In case you realize that you have suffered a theft, It is recommended to immediately call the emergency numbers 112 or 113 and avoid touching, moving, or in any other way manipulating the things and places that have been affected by the action of the criminals, in such a way as to preserve the integrity of the possible evidence that can be collected by the police or the carabinieri.

Mestre: potenziati i servizi di prevenzione e controllo del territorio. Arrestati 3 soggetti trovato in possesso di sostanza stupefacente

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