Chioggia: the State Police on the front line in preventing and combating 'bad nightlife', on the Chioggia coast, 1 arrest, 4 expulsion orders

Hundreds of people checked in a few weeks.

Chioggia: the State Police on the front line in preventing and combating 'bad nightlife', on the Chioggia coast, 1 arrest, 4 expulsion orders.

The Venice State Police has intensified its work of prevention and contrast to criminal and manifestly socially dangerous episodes that occur in the territory of the city of Chioggia and along the coast of the nearby beach of Sottomarina.

In the months of June and July, in fact, numerous extraordinary inter-force territorial control services were carried out, which involved in particular the Clodiense coast, coordinated by the Chioggia Police Station, with the collaboration of personnel from the Carabinieri, the Guardia di Finanza, personnel from the Local Police, the Coast Guard, aimed at combating the phenomenon of widespread petty crime, as well as with the aim of countering episodes of violent movida that would disturb the serenity and increase the level of social danger perceived by the city, which in particular during these summer months appears to be affected by a notable influx of Italian and foreign tourists.

Furthermore, the aforementioned territorial control services have always been supported by the activity of the Anti-Crime Division of the Venice Police Headquarters, which has always been active in applying all available preventive measures to stem, with a view to prevention and dissuasion, the reiteration of antisocial and criminal behavior perpetrated by individuals with a high social dangerousness.

First of all, in the last few days the men of the Chioggia Police Station (VE) arrested an Italian citizen for resisting and using violence against a Public Official as well as for violating the provisions imposed by special surveillance.

Specifically, at the beginning of July, the police officers on patrol to control the territory intervened in the historic centre, as the presence of a person who disturbed the public peace had been reported.

The operators, arriving on site, recognized the individual who was wandering around the tables outside the terrace of a closed public establishment as an Italian citizen with numerous police records for theft, robbery, assault, threats and possession of objects capable of causing offence, who, in addition to being well known to the citizens, was already burdened by the measure of the obligation to report to the judicial police as well as by the special surveillance of Public Security with the obligation to reside in the Municipality of Chioggia, and by the preventive measure of the Warning for domestic violence with a ban on approaching his family members.

As soon as the officers approached to check him, the subject took on a hostile and non-cooperative attitude towards the operators and, once taken to the police station for the necessary checks, he uttered insults, insults and threats both in towards the policemen, and towards the healthcare personnel called to intervene, considering the precarious psychophysical conditions of the subject.

The suspect was therefore arrested for the crime of Resistance and Violence against a Public Official and reported to the Judicial Authority for violation of the provisions imposed by special surveillance pending a direct trial, at the end of which the judge, in addition to validating his arrest, ordered the precautionary measure of detention in prison against him.

The activity of the State Police has brought important results not only in the context of the aforementioned Judicial Police activity, but also in terms of Territorial Control and the imposition of Prevention measures.

The staff of the Chioggia police station together with the patrols of the Local Police carried out targeted checks and investigations, particularly at the places where groups of people, mostly very young, gather, such as nightclubs and the seafront, aimed at avoiding those behaviors resulting from the abuse of alcoholic and/or narcotic substances which, taken to excess, could put the safety of many families on holiday at risk.

Overall, this activity led to the identification and control of over 110 subjects, of which several with criminal records of various types, more than 30 vehicles and further in-depth checks within 2 commercial establishments within which, in addition to checks regarding the regularity of the activity, the various customers were checked.

On the prevention front, however, a first result was achieved on July 15, when the Anti-Crime Division of the Venice Police Headquarters adopted a Mandatory Leave Order from the Municipality of Campagna Lupia for a period of 1 year pursuant to art. 2 of Legislative Decree 159/2011 against an Italian citizen, who had just turned XNUMX and was resident in Mira.

The proposal for a prevention measure was put forward to the Police Commissioner by the Carabinieri Company of Chioggia Sottomarina as the individual, with numerous criminal records for various types of crimes, had been referred to the Judicial Authority because he was suspected of a robbery perpetrated during a village festival, against a minor, from whom the boy had stolen a modest sum of money.

An ex DACUR has been adopted. Art. 13 bis of Legislative Decree 14/2017 against a minor, on the proposal of the Carabinieri of the Chioggia Company, since he had been intercepted in the previous days near a well-known bar in the city where numerous damages had been reported by some young people.

With this provision, the young man was therefore prohibited from accessing and staying in the immediate vicinity of the public establishment affected by the damage for a total duration of 2 years.

Again on the front of the adoption of prevention measures aimed at preventing the occurrence of episodes of crime and urban decay in the city, a further result was achieved.

Specifically, numerous reports were received by 113 from some passers-by regarding the presence of a group of individuals, presumably foreign citizens, who had climbed onto one of the stilt houses on the north side of the Sottomarina dam, an area that had been used as a temporary shelter and home, located near numerous catering establishments widely frequented by citizens and tourists.

Once on site, the police station operators tracked down and stopped three citizens of Tunisian origin residing in the Padua area, who were unable to provide plausible explanations regarding their presence in that area.

They, therefore, were accompanied to the offices of the police station for the necessary investigations, following which they were already found to have numerous police records and therefore, a provision of Mandatory Street Sheet with a warning to return to the territory of the Municipality of Chioggia (VE) for a period of one year.

Chioggia: la Polizia di Stato in prima linea nella prevenzione ed il contrasto della 'mala movida', sul litorale clodiense, 1 arresto, 4 Fogli di Via.

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