Venice: Agreement between Viminale and Ferrovie dello Stato, satisfaction of President Zaia
Agreement for safety at railway stations
Venice: Agreement between Viminale and Ferrovie dello Stato, satisfaction of President Zaia
“Among the stations where more extensive surveillance services will be guaranteed is the one in Venice – he adds Zaia -. A nerve center of the Veneto and national railway traffic but also the business card for all those millions of tourists who at least once in their lives want to visit the unique city in the world. We cannot allow an entrance to a real open-air museum to be ruined by those who put our safety at risk. I express my approval for the agreement signed at the Viminale, in the presence of Deputy Prime Minister Salvini and Minister Piantedosi, between the Ministry of the Interior and Ferrovie dello Stato to strengthen security in railway stations and adjacent areas".
With these words the The President of the Veneto Region expresses satisfaction with the protocol signed at the Viminale between the Ministry of the Interior and the Italian State Railways for the purpose of making railway areas safer.
"For the citizen, both the resident and the tourist, safety is a priority need: he needs to experience it but for this it is essential that he perceives it – adds the Governor -. The increased presence of the Police Force and a greater activity of surveillance and surveillance are measures that underline the attention and respond to a theme that is so felt by the population. They can worry the dishonest but certainly not all those who want live our cities peacefully and travel freely without being held hostage by worries caused by the presence of ill-intentioned people".
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