Suspicious phone calls to citizens residing in Veneto, the Region invites you to report them to the police
New telephone scam launched in Veneto
Suspicious phone calls to citizens residing in Veneto, the Region invites you to report them to the police
The Veneto Region launches an important appeal to citizens, inviting them to pay maximum attention to suspicious phone calls that could have fraudulent or malicious purposes. In the last few days, there have been reports several cases of unsolicited calls about the alleged free offer of a water softener by the Veneto Region to all residents of the Region, in exchange for signing a maintenance contract.
The Veneto Region has never launched a similar campaign and invites anyone who receives phone calls of this type, especially the elderly and more vulnerable people, to pay maximum attention, to do not provide any sensitive information and immediately report the incident to the relevant law enforcement agencies.
The recommendations are to be wary of unknown numbers and to always verify the authenticity of the calls by directly contacting the institutions or companies they claim to represent..
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