Varese: 26 thousand euros seized from a tax evader with 530 thousand euros of tax debts.
An Italian citizen with important tax debts stopped at the border with Switzerland. Reported for false documents and fraudulent evasion of tax payments.
Varese: 26 thousand euros seized from a tax evader with 530 thousand euros of tax debts.
The Finance Police of the Provincial Command of Varese, within the scope of the services to protect the economic and financial legality in the border area, they intercepted a currency traffic towards Switzerland by an Italian citizen with important tax liabilities.
During the check, carried out by the military of the Gaggiolo Company, the man was stopped before crossing the border and was asked the classic ritual question: “Do you have anything to declare?”Initially, the subject stated that he had with him only 8.000 €, a figure below the threshold of 10.000 euros which requires a currency declaration. However, the financial police, suspicious of the declarations, carried out a thorough check in collaboration with the officials of theCustoms agency and monopolies.
Discovery and seizure
The check revealed the presence of 14.000 €, a figure higher than the permitted threshold. Subsequently, thanks to the personal and local search, other items were found 12.000 € hidden in a motorcycle boot inside a backpack in the trunk.
The insights of the economic-financial police They also brought to light serious tax debts: the man was found to owe the tax authorities more than 530.000 €, the result of unpaid tax bills. Owner of a company in the motorcycle trade sector, the man was classified as total tax evader, having closed the business without paying any taxes.
Further crimes discovered
The inspection also revealed:
- Counterfeit documents registered in Gibraltar.
- Un detention order for a sentence of 1 year and 3 months in prison, still to be served.
Before being transferred to the district house of Varese, the man was reported to the Public Prosecutor's Office for:
- Fraudulent evasion of tax payment.
- Possession of false documents.
Protection of tax credit
As for the 26.000 € in cash, the financiers have arranged the emergency preventive seizure. The Public Prosecutor's Office validated the search and seizure documents, and the competent Judge ordered by decree the transfer of the sum to the Single Justice Fund. In case of conviction, the money will be confiscated and used to protect the treasury credit.
Commitment of the Guardia di Finanza
This operation demonstrates the constant commitment of the Guardia di Finanza in the recovery of sums arising from tax evasion and other economic and financial crimes, for the benefit of the community.
It should be remembered that the activity is in the phase of preliminary investigations and that, according to the principle of the presumption of innocence, any guilt will be ascertained only by an irrevocable sentence.
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