Varese: an arrest for bankruptcy and seizure of assets worth over 8 million euros
During the investigation it was possible to ascertain that the arrested person had altered the accounting in order to deceive the reader of the balance sheet by reducing the assets.
Varese: an arrest for bankruptcy and seizure of assets worth over 8 million euros
The finance officers of the Provincial Command of Varese have executed an order for the application of the arrest issued by the Preliminary Investigations Judge of the Court of Lodi, at the request of the Public Prosecutor's Office of Lodi, at the end of an investigation which involved a group of companies operating in the logistics and cleaning sector.
Specifically, the activity carried out by the Gallarate Company began with the Verification of different companies part of the group and, following the declaration of bankruptcy, based on the commercial operations carried out by the entrepreneur.
The activity of the Gallarate yellow flames was therefore concentrated on the financial management of the company and transfers made as well as of deeds of disposal of movable and immovable property carried out with the aim of stripping it of its assets.
The investigations revealed facts that had led to the bankruptcy of the company and, in particular: transactions with companies attributable to the person under investigation, the sale of three real estate properties located in the provinces of Lodi and Florence for a total amount of approximately 350 thousand euros, vehicles and company-owned assets, all for a total amount of over 8 million euros.
Finally, during the investigation it was possible to ascertain that the arrested person altered the accounting in order to deceive the reader of the balance sheet by reducing the assets. In fact, the payments in question were initially accounted for as "interest-free financing“, then, with the change of the accounting system as “supplier advances” and again as “invoices to be issued", all apparently coherent wording but in reality concealing a distracting intent. Furthermore, since he was burdened by numerous tax debts, the person responsible, in order to avoid the enforcement procedures, had transferred the company shares of various companies owning numerous properties, including a luxury farmhouse in the province of Brindisi, to relatives, friends and front men.
Therefore, following the investigative activities, the legal representative of the company was arrested and placed under house arrest available to the GIP of Lodi for the preliminary hearing. Specifically, there was irrefutable documentary evidence on the same in relation to the macroscopic and systematic activity of draining capital from the company in favor of entities attributable to the suspect as well as to his activity Alteration of accounting regarding false and misleading notes. Furthermore, the criminal activity was also concentrated in the constant non-fulfilment of tax debts and tax evasion. The Judge for Preliminary Investigations of the Court of Lodi also ordered the preventive seizure calculated at over 8 million euros in relation to the profit of the distracting conduct towards 17 companies benefiting from the illicit activity and linked to the suspect.
The Magistrate in charge of the investigations, having seen the elements acquired, has recently notified the Notice of conclusion of the preliminary investigations pursuant to art. 415 bis of the Code of Criminal Procedure for crimes of bankruptcy and fraudulent evasion of tax payments.
The Guardia di Finanza carries out the economic and financial security with a transversal approach to those phenomena that constitute an obstacle to growth and the creation of a fully competitive market on which to base the development of more equitable and supportive well-being.
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