Busto Arsizio: two foreign citizens responsible for recent episodes of violence expelled

Two foreign citizens, considered responsible for the recent episodes of violence that occurred in Busto Arsizio, illegal on the national territory and with previous convictions, are the recipients of an expulsion order signed by the prefect of Varese. They are currently being held, awaiting repatriation, in the CPR of Gradisca d'Isonzo (GO).

Busto Arsizio: two foreign citizens responsible for recent episodes of violence expelled

Two foreign citizens held responsible for the serious events that occurred in Busto Arsizio in recent days are being held, awaiting repatriation, in the CPR of Gradisca d'Isonzo (GO). Irregulars on the national territory and with previous convictions, they are the recipients of an expulsion order signed by the prefect of Varese.

Busto Arsizio: espulsi due cittadini stranieri autori dei recenti episodi di violenza

The arrest confirms the attention, desired by the Minister of the Interior Matteo Piantedosi, so that all the perpetrators of attacks on the police forces in recent days are tracked down and sanctioned, to protect collective security and respect for the rule of law.

In the meantime, investigative activities continue to identify further possible perpetrators, also thanks to the support of the images and videos acquired. The objective, in close synergy with the judicial authorities, is to ensure that anyone responsible for violent behavior is fully accountable for the crimes committed.

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