Trieste: wanted for eleven years for robbery and escape, arrested by the Carabinieri

The military tracked him down on a bus from Spain to Romania. When asked for his documents, the man showed a particularly nervous attitude.

Trieste: wanted for eleven years for robbery and escape, arrested by the Carabinieri.

As part of the back-crossing operations conducted along the entire border line by the Arma, the Carabinieri of the Villa Opicina Station arrested a 50-year-old Romanian citizen, tracked down at the Fernetti border crossing.

The foreigner who, while awaiting sentencing, had fled abroad, had been wanted for eleven years as the recipient of a prison order of 2 years and 6 months for the crimes of robbery in competition and escape, committed in the province of Benevento in 2008.

The military tracked him down on a bus from Spain to Romania. When asked for his documents, the man showed a particularly nervous attitude.

The Carabinieri, having become suspicious, deepened their investigations by subjecting him to photographic surveys and ascertaining his identity.

At that point they verified that the man had an arrest warrant issued by the Court of Benevento.

In 2008, in fact, in the province of Benevento, together with two other accomplices, he had stolen a car and, to guarantee his escape, had threatened the owner by pointing a gun at him; arrested and subjected to house arrest, he had escaped, making himself untraceable before the final outcome of the criminal proceedings.

He will now serve his sentence in the Trieste prison.

Trieste: ricercato da undici anni per rapina ed evasione, arrestato dai Carabinieri.

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