Trieste: the Carabinieri participated in the first edition of “Trieste4SafetyFVG” with a stand dedicated to road safety

The Automobile Club Trieste, in collaboration with the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region and the Municipality of Trieste, organized the first edition of the event “Trieste4SafetyFVG”, which took place on Saturday 21 September in Piazza della Borsa from 10:17.00 to XNUMX:XNUMX.

Trieste: the Carabinieri participated in the first edition of “Trieste4SafetyFVG” with a stand dedicated to road safety.

The Automobile Club Trieste, in collaboration with the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region and the Municipality of Trieste, has created the first edition of the“Trieste4SafetyFVG” event, which took place on Saturday 21 September in Piazza della Borsa from 10am to 17.00pm.

Trieste: alla prima edizione di “Trieste4SafetyFVG” i Carabinieri hanno partecipato con uno stand dedicato alla sicurezza stradale2

The demonstration was also attended by theArms of the Carabinieri with a stand set up in order to raise awareness among citizens on the issues of road safety and accident prevention.

In addition to the exhibition of vehicles and equipment supplied, the information activity focused oneducation on compliance with the rules regarding the transport of minors, on the use of anti-abandonment devices and on driving under the influence of substances. All this was accompanied by the dissemination of an audiovisual as a decalogue of good practices in road safety.

Trieste: alla prima edizione di “Trieste4SafetyFVG” i Carabinieri hanno partecipato con uno stand dedicato alla sicurezza stradale

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