Trieste: The Exhibition “Alfabeto Schmidl. 100 Years of Theatre Museum” can be visited at Palazzo Gopcevich until 4 May 2025.

A journey through the history of theater and music with over 100 years of collections and historical testimonies. Free admission.

Trieste: The Exhibition “Alfabeto Schmidl. 100 Years of Theatre Museum” can be visited at Palazzo Gopcevich until 4 May 2025.

In Selva Hall of Gopcevich Palace, Seat of the Civic Theater Museum “Carlo Schmidl” (via Rossini 4), the exhibition “Schmidl Alphabet. 100 Years of Theatre Museum” can be visited from today (Friday 20 December) to Sunday 4 May 2025, with free admission, during opening hours 10am-17pm Tuesday to Sunday.

The exhibition was opened to the public late yesterday afternoon (Thursday 19 December) and previously, in the morning, presented at a press conference with interventions byCouncillor for Culture and Tourism Policies Giorgio Rossi and those who carried out the initiative: the conservative of the Civic Theatre Museum “Carlo Schmidl” Stefano Bianchi, curator of the exhibition together with Elizabeth Buffulini, Emilio Medici e Cristina Zacchina, With the collaboration of Francis Recanati e Christian Rossetti.

“This exhibition is yet another good result achieved thanks to the competence, study, precision and above all teamwork of the staff of the Municipality of Trieste combined with my personal institutional determination”, said the councilor George Rossi: “The cultural sector in Trieste has become a golden chain, to be proud of, and this exhibition represents only one of the many links. The 2024 has recorded very generous acts of patronage towards the Municipality of Trieste, which demonstrate trust in the Public Administration; 500 cultural events; about 650 thousand visitors in the Museums, that is, double compared to five years ago; the record figure of 1,5 million tourists in the city, beating places like Lignano and Grado. Ours stands out because cultural tourism, of which the Municipal Administration intends to maintain the high quality criteria. This Monday also The Sole24Ore has decreed for the second consecutive year Trieste first in Italy for culture and free time in the quality of life ranking. I am convinced that culture is an element capable of concretely improving the daily human experience and, at the same time, an investment for the future that requires to be structured and planned. The 2025 will be characterized by large infrastructural investments, first and foremost in favor of Revoltella, Sartorio and De Henriquez Museums, in order to continue to present our immense cultural heritage in the best possible way to both citizens and visitors”.

In December 2024 il Civic Theater Museum “Carlo Schmidl” performs one hundred years. The exhibition Schmidl Alphabet celebrates this anniversary with an alphabet of sounds, images, objects and documents that arbitrarily declines the multifaceted variety of the Museum's collections, created by the will of the music publisher Carl Schmidl. Costumes and stage jewelry, posters, playbills, photographs, prints, medals, paintings, musical instruments, memorabilia, books, archives and manuscripts They form the backbone of a theatre of memory that for a century has increased its collections in the spirit of the founder.

The exhibition suggests new reading paths in this extraordinary heritage, in an itinerary from A to Z also through a series of in-depth meetings, distributed within the traditional program of the «Schmidl Monday». They must be Matthew Bartoli for Basiq the graphic and exhibition design, Artgroup printing of materials on display, Riccigraf the printing of a catalogue in progress, Diego Cenetimepo e Alessio Bozzer the making of films on display.

Already in 1913 Carlo Schmidl expresses his desire to make his work public Historical-musical collection. This will materializes, a decade later, in the stipulation of an agreement with the Municipality of Trieste according to which, in December of the 1924, the Museum is inaugurated inside the Municipal Theatre “Giuseppe Verdi”The formula of the agreement allows Schmidl, appointed curator for life of the Museum, to maintain ownership and at the same time the management of the Collection and to personally take care of its increase with documents and data.

At his death, in 1943, Schmidl leaves his collection as a legacy to the Municipality of Trieste. In the meantime, in 1936, theAutonomous Body of the Municipal Theatre “Giuseppe Verdi”, which provides new spaces for the Museum's ever-growing collections. Except for the parenthesis of the Second Word War, when the collections are secured in other locations, the historic building of the Verdi Theatre hosts the Civic Theatre Museum until the Theatre was closed for renovation work, at the beginning of the 1990s: after a temporary installation in the building Morpurgo Palace in via Imbriani, the Museum finally finds its definitive location in Gopcevich Palace.

The list of protagonists and witnesses of a journey into the theatrical and musical culture represented and preserved in the Museum's collections, which constitute the backbone of the exhibition, is long: the Archives and Library of the Museum; the mezzo-soprano Fedora Barbieri, Angelo Cecchelin e Eleonora Duse; the Schmidl Music Publishing and the Fortepiano; the composer and conductor Frank I do e Geneva of Scotland, inaugural work in 1801 of the New Theatre (the current Verdi Theatre); the violinist Julius Heller and the composer Antonio Illersberg; the violinist Augusto Jancovich and the pianist Alfredo Jaëll; the baritone Joseph Kaschman and the composers Carl Ferdinand Lickl e Franz Lehár; the baritone Dolphin Menotti and the opera Nozze istriane di Antonio Smareglia; the artist Argio Orell and the Melodic plan; the soprano Ida Quaiatti and the composers Luigi Ricci Joseph Rota; the founder of the Museum himself, Carl Schmidl and the director Giorgio Strehler; the Theatres of Trieste and the theatrical impresario Rudolph Ullmann; Giuseppe Verdi and Violins in the Trenches di Carlo Stuparich e Giani Pavovich; Richard Wagner and two musical instruments from the extra-European musical tradition (one Xylophone it's one You q'in, that is, the Chinese moon guitar), ending with theZinzendorf Album.

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