Trieste: the budget of the Provincial Command of the Carabinieri for 2024
The year that is about to end has seen the Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Trieste constantly engaged in protecting collective interests and the balance of the last twelve months of activity is certainly positive. The commitment of the Institution, guaranteed by the Stations distributed throughout the territory, by the "Gazzelles" of the Radiomobile Nuclei, by the SOS (Operational Support Teams) and by the Special Departments, has poured out on all fronts, thus outlining a complete approach to public safety.
Combining hospitality and availability, the Carabinieri guarantee their support to the citizens on a daily basis, which is expressed both in repressive activity, quantifiable numerically but above all preventive which, although more difficult to estimate, guarantees the real safety conditions of a community with a strong impact on perceived safety. The daily effort has translated into an external projection that has seen the Carabinieri of the Province engaged in 11.600 between patrol and reconnaissance services, in approximately 3.000 public order services, with the overall employment of 28.000 military personnel. During their progress, tests were carried out 50.844 checks, with the identification of 104.033 subjects and checks on 41.330 vehicles, in order, in the latter case, to prevent and repress those behaviors that, too often, are the cause of road accidents, with particular attention to checks on the psycho-physical conditions of drivers and to combating the abuse of alcohol and psychotropic substances by those who drive.
During the year that we are leaving behind, the Carabinieri of Trieste have pursued approximately 6.000 crimes in total, with a slight percentage increase compared to the previous year, however, compared to an increase of more than 17% in the number of people reported to the Judicial Authority which stood at 1.800 people of which 172 under arrest.
As regards the crimes causing the greatest social alarm, there is a number of thefts almost constant compared to 2023, compared to a 37% increase in those discovered, a significant fact of the Institution's commitment towards this type of crime both because it is particularly felt due to its "invasiveness" in the private sphere of the citizen, and due to the difficulty of the investigations connected with the specific criminal offence.
In terms of prevention measures, an activity conducted in collaboration with the local Police Headquarters, Oral Warning measures, mandatory expulsion orders with a ban on returning to the Municipality and DACUr. measures (Prohibitions of Access to Urban Areas) were requested.
Since the beginning of the year, the Operations Centre has been approximately 12.000 telephone requests received.
The hateful phenomenon of scams, especially those against the elderly, also deserves a special mention. The number of reported crimes decreased slightly (1.128 with a -2,93% compared to 2023), while the number of discovered scams increased from 130 to 166 with a variation of +27,69%.
In this context, sensing the strong impact on the population, the Provincial Command has also paid particular attention to prevention, organizing numerous meetings in parishes and senior centers, in order to provide useful information to defend oneself from scams, illustrating the main typologies and strategies used by scammers to gain the trust of victims and always recommending to contact 112 in case of need.
In the wake of the commitment shown in defense of this particularly vulnerable segment of the population nationally, the Carabinieri of Trieste, taking up the campaign launched last summer by the General Command, has created an explanatory video to raise awareness against this phenomenon, which, thanks to the collaboration with Trieste Trasporti and GAP SRL, is broadcast on Trieste Trasporti public transport and on the “Guida Luminosa” located in via Carducci. The investigative activity on this phenomenon carried out during 2024 allowed the Investigative Unit to arrest 12 people and report 18 of them at liberty.
Within the scope of its institutional tasks particular effort has been made for particularly heinous crimes, relating to so-called "gender violence" or "red code" crimes. Still too much There are numerous cases of women, victims of verbal, psychological or physical violence, who resort more and more frequently, but with ever greater trust, to the military to report or to get advice on their personal affairs.
The investigative activity carried out by specialized personnel allowed the case to be reported to the local Judicial Authority 126 subjects at liberty and 13 under arrest. Consequently, the following precautionary measures were requested and obtained: 14 measures for removal from the family unit and 21 measures for the application of the electronic bracelet.
In terms of prevention measures, always in close collaboration with the local Police Headquarters, were requested and obtained 22 warnings and 16 prohibitions on approaching.
As far as the 'activities of the Special Forces, Carabinieri Labor Inspectorate Unit performed 130 checks of which 58 were found to be non-compliant, reporting 50 people and imposing administrative sanctions of €600.000. The NAS (Anti-Adulteration and Health Unit), responsible for ensuring compliance with the regulations in the sector of production, traceability, authenticity and safety of food and beverage substances to protect public health, carried out in 2024 194 checks, finding irregularities in 64 of these. 26 people reported to the Judicial Authority while the value of the seized goods amounts to over 2.000.000 Euros.
The commitment of the Commanders of the dependent Companies at the premises also continued primary and secondary schools within the project promoted by the Carabinieri for the formation of the "culture of legality", to "increase in young people the culture of legality and awareness of the importance of safety, promoting knowledge and respect for the rules". To achieve these objectives, the Carabinieri have carried out over 30 meetings to broaden and deepen the educational offering of students. In particular, at the request of numerous school principals, the topics of education in environmental legality, bullying and cyberbullying, the "widespread interests" of the community, road safety, narcotics, gender violence, human rights and the protection of cultural heritage were touched upon.
The year that is coming to an end has seen Trieste as a protagonist on many occasions. From the participation of the Prime Minister at the ceremony of the Basovizza Foiba, to the G7, to the visit of the President of the Republic and the Pope on the occasion of the Catholic social week. Even traditional events such as the Barcolana have brought the city into the spotlight. On all these occasions the Arma has given its contribution, working with the other police forces, under the coordination of the Prefect, to guarantee public order and safety.
Once again the Station Commands have been the driving force of institutional activity. Distributed throughout the territory, they have confirmed themselves as essential outposts of listening, welcoming and legality, places of reassurance and reception of social dynamics and problems.
“A symbol that is now an integral part and continuous nourishment of our national identity and conscience” (as President Napolitano called them) have ensured numerous police services, from general prevention to initial investigative activities. By fully interpreting this role, the services carried out by the Neighborhood Carabinieri have been increased with the mission of listening, suggesting, reassuring, stimulating the trust and collaboration of merchants and citizens. A closeness that sees the Station Commanders as the first interlocutors, to whom the citizen can turn to find concrete answers that often go beyond the strict institutional task.
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