Trieste: scams against the elderly, the awareness campaign of the Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Trieste continues

Organized by the territorial commanders of the area, meetings are held in all the places where the elderly gather and meet, such as associations, clubs, parishes and others.

Trieste: scams against the elderly, the awareness campaign of the Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Trieste continues.

The Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Trieste continue to provide maximum impetus to the fight against this heinous crime against a vulnerable category such as the elderly.
Organized by the territorial commanders of the area, meetings are held in all the places where the elderly gather and meet, such as associations, clubs, parishes and others.

On these occasions, the Carabinieri illustrate the main techniques and tricks used by criminals to enter homes, explaining how to face the risks and what behaviour to adopt in the event of suspicious situations.
In the wake of this prevention campaign, the meeting room of the 1st district of the Altipiano Ovest of the municipality of Trieste made available by the president Pavel Vidoni, was held between the Carabinieri of the Prosecco Station and the local population, in which everyone can participate.

Trieste: truffe agli anziani, continua la campagna di sensibilizzazione dei Carabinieri del Comando Provinciale di Trieste.

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