Trieste: Falls into the water, girl saved by the Carabinieri and a passerby

The woman was transported to Cattinara hospital, fortunately not in serious conditions.

Trieste: Falls into the water, girl saved by the Carabinieri and a passerby

In the early evening of December 7, the Operations Centre received the alarm for a girl fell into the sea on the Rive.

The Carabinieri patrol from the Trieste station in via dell'Istria, immediately alerted, set out in search of the young woman identifying her in the stretch of sea in front of the Riva Tre Novembre pier. The two soldiers rushed immediately to try to save the girl who was struggling and calling for help.

One of the two jumped aboard a boat moored nearby together with a passer-by who had already intervened to lend a hand. The second soldier, meanwhile, freeing another vessel and holding the ropes of both boats to prevent them from moving away, he procured an additional vessel which the citizen used to approach the woman.

After several attempts the two managed to grab the girl and secure her pulling her on board.

The carabinieri then alerted the port authorities, whose personnel, informed of what had happened, immediately reached the scene with the patrol boat and permanently secured the vessel on which the woman who had just been rescued to the dock, thanks also to the action of two divers from the Fire Brigade who also intervened.

The woman, in the end, came transported to Cattinara hospital, fortunately not in serious conditions.

Trieste: cade in acqua, ragazza salvata dai Carabinieri e da un passante

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