Trieste: Extraordinary checks of the territory, 1 arrest and 7 reported
Extraordinary checks of the territory, 1 arrest and 7 reported
Trieste: Extraordinary checks of the territory, 1 arrest and 7 reported
The Carabinieri have carried out a series of coordinated services throughout the province aimed at preventing crimes and illicit conduct, combating drug dealing as well as controlling road traffic to prevent accidents, sometimes even fatal, very often caused by alcohol abuse.
The activity led to thearrest of a 35 year old recipient of a detention order issued by the Criminal Enforcement Office following a conviction for failure to comply with the expulsion order. After the formal procedures, the woman was taken to the Trieste prison to serve the remaining sentence of 1 month.; to report at liberty of a citizen found in possession of a switchblade; it was A citizen who failed to comply with the order to be removed from the national territory for 5 years was found issued by the Prefect and also recipient of the expulsion security measure. After the identification operations he was reported for violating the time limits of the re-entry ban; and was tracked down and reported another citizen for making a false statement to a public official. The same person, not complying with the order to leave the national territory, at the time of the check, gave false personal details to the military; Report to the administrative authority of three individuals found in possession of narcotic substances such as hashish and marijuana for a total of 15 gr.; while on the traffic controls front, there have been 6 traffic fines were issued and 2 people were reported for drunk driving. Proceedings were taken against them to the withdrawal of their driving licences while the vehicles in which they were travelling were entrusted to third parties capable of driving.
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