Trieste: Cries for help, 92-year-old rescued with head injuries and early hypothermia

saved an elderly man

Trieste: Cries for help, 92-year-old rescued with head injuries and early hypothermia

A resident of Opicina in the area of ​​the Cavalry Regiment, felt an elderly person asking for help near their home without being able to figure out where exactly the screams were coming from. Alerted, the Operations Center of the Carabinieri Company of Aurisina sent patrols from the Barcola and Miramare Stations to support them. The military, having arrived on site, searched the area and found, inside a nearby residence, an elderly gentleman – 92 years old who, due to a fall, was unable to get up to open the door of his house and leave the house.

Entrance door forced open The Carabinieri assisted the man on the ground who, in the fall, had suffered head injuries and was suffering from the onset of hypothermia. They then proceeded to alert the 118 staff. The paramedics, who intervened, they transported the elderly man to the hospital where he was held for investigation.

Trieste: Grida di aiuto, soccorso 92enne con lesioni alla testa e principio di ipotermia

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