Trieste, alleged illegal methods in the driving license exam. Local Police reports 3 people

A few weeks ago, the offices of the Civil Motorization of Trieste requested the assistance of the Local Police, after a manager had started to have some doubts about the suitability of some foreign candidates to take the theory exam.

Trieste, alleged illegal methods in the driving license exam. Local Police reports 3 people

A few weeks ago, the offices of the Civil Motorization Office in Trieste requested the assistance of the Local Police, after a manager had begun to have some doubts about the suitability of some foreign candidates to take the theory exam.

Wednesday, December 11 plainclothes officers from the Judicial Police Unit showed up at the Motor Vehicle Office, mingling with the other candidates, before the start of the computerized theory test.

Trieste, presunti metodi illegali all'esame per conseguire la patente di guida. La Polizia Locale denuncia 3 persone

With the help of technical instruments they ascertained that three Pakistani citizens were hiding smartphones with microcamera, microphone and mini-earpiece under their clothes: the hypothesis is that they were in contact with someone from outside who suggested the answers; it seems that the devices were in video call mode since entering the headquarters in via Udine, plausibly to allow viewing of the computer screen.

The three – NS, dated 1991, JAA, dated 2000 and GCAW dated 1984 – They were then removed from the exam venue, interrupting their test, and reported to the Judicial Authority. They will have to answer for the following crimes: false attribution of other people's work by candidates for the awarding of titles; ideological falsehood committed by a private individual in a public document; false attestation or declaration to a public official on the identity or personal qualities of oneself or others.

"There are numerous external bodies to the municipal administration with which the Local Police, through its various specialist units, collaborates constantly and with excellent results in the fight against various types of crimes and for the maximum protection of the city and its citizens.“, says the Councilor for Security Caterina de Gavardo.

The Local Police, in agreement with the staff of the local Civil Motorization, will continue the preventive control activity in order to combat such crimes.

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