Mazara del Vallo: cocaine and crack dealers arrested thanks to the numerous observation, control and shadowing services of the Police.

On the afternoon of 27.09.2024, the staff of the Mazara del Vallo Police Station executed the Order for the application of a precautionary measure issued by the Court of Marsala, Office of the Judge for Preliminary Investigations, with which the precautionary custody measure in prison was ordered against a couple of citizens of Mazara del Vallo investigated for the continuing crime of illicit transfer of "hard" type narcotic substances.

Mazara del Vallo: Cocaine and crack dealers arrested thanks to the numerous observation, control and shadowing services of the Police.

On the afternoon of 27.09.2024, the staff of the Mazara del Vallo Police Station executed the Order for the application of a precautionary measure issued by the Court of Marsala, Office of the Judge for Preliminary Investigations, with which the measure of pre-trial detention in prison against a couple of citizens of Mazara del Vallo investigated for continuing crime of illicit transfer of “hard” narcotic substances.

The arrest of the two drug dealers It was the result of a complex and articulated judicial police activity carried out by the Investigative Section of the Police Station, aimed at repression of drug-related crimes, which began in March of this year. From careful monitoring it was immediately clear that the cohabiting couple had used their home as a a real “supermarket” for buyers of “hard” drugs of the cocaine and crack type.

The numerous targeted services of observation, control and shadowing, carried out on the initiative of the investigative team, have ascertained a continuous and incessant coming and going of individuals who, at all hours of the day and night, went to the couple's home to purchase doses of narcotic substances.

The meticulous judicial police activity continued for about a month, under the coordination of the Public Prosecutor's Office of Marsala, and achieved important investigative results; ten subjects subjected to police control immediately after having gone to the couple's home, were found in possession of cocaine and more than 550 sales of narcotic substances.

In the month of May, following delegated search, carried out by this investigative section inside the house, the two suspects were found in possession of a narcotic substance of the type cocaine and crack as well as material for packaging the doses.

The two cohabitants were reported to the Judicial Authority for the continuing crime of supplying narcotic substances in conjunction with the Public Prosecutor's Office at the Court of Marsala which, sharing the investigative conclusions of the Police Station, requested and obtained from the GIP the measure of precautionary custody in prison for both of them.

Mazara del Vallo: grazie ai numerosi servizi di osservazione, controllo e pedinamento la Polizia di Stato è riuscita ad arrestare due spacciatori di cocaina e crack

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