Marsala, Mazzara del Vallo and Castelvetrano: security measures to combat gender-related crimes continue. Two people arrested

Two people (a 44-year-old and a 26-year-old) were arrested in flagrante delicto after being caught near the homes of their former partners, in violation of the prohibition order they were subjected to.

Marsala, Mazzara del Vallo and Castelvetrano: security measures to combat gender crimes continue. Two people arrested.

In the current month of September the Carabinieri of the Company Commands of Marsala, Mazara del Vallo and Castelvetrano have two people arrested and executed five precautionary measures issued by the Public Prosecutor's Office at the Court of Marsala for crimes of domestic abuse, stalking and persecutory acts.

In particular:
– two people (a 44 year old and a 26 year old) were taken into custody arrest in flagrante delicto because they were caught near the homes of their former partners, in violation of the prohibition on approaching order to which they were subjected;
– three people (a 36-year-old, a 26-year-old and a 20-year-old) were placed under house arrest at their respective homes, in response to the documented failure to comply with the prohibition of approach measures to which they were subjected;
– two people (a 51-year-old and a 35-year-old) were affected by the measures of removal from the family home and a simultaneous ban on approaching the injured party, following two similar incidents episodes of mistreatment and stalking.

Marsala, Mazzara del Vallo e Castelvetrano: continuano le misure di sicurezza per contrastare i reati di genere. Arrestate due persone

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