Sicily, Mazara del Vallo. 2 complaints for aggravated fraud and material and ideological falsehood committed by a private individual in a public act
From the documentation acquired and analyzed by the soldiers of the Carabinieri, it emerged that a 64-year-old, owner of a company located in Mazara del Vallo, during the COVID-19 epidemiological emergency, would have resorted to the salary integration treatment despite the fact that the workers had continued to perform regular activities.
Sicily, Mazara del Vallo. 2 complaints for aggravated fraud and material and ideological falsehood committed by a private individual in a public act.
The Carabinieri of the Trapani Labor Inspectorate Unit, as part of checks on commercial activities in the Trapani area, together with INPS personnel, two people have been reported for the crimes of aggravated fraud and material and ideological forgery committed by a private individual in a public act.
From the documentation acquired and analyzed by the military personnel, it emerged that a 64-year-old, owner of a company located in Mazara del Vallo, during the COVID-19 epidemiological emergency, would have done use of salary integration treatment (provided for cases of suspension or reduction of work activity), even though the workers had continued to perform regular activities.
Always within the same commercial activity it would have emerged that one The 40-year-old, despite being formally employed, had never actually performed any work, illegally receiving allowances which were currently being quantified.
The amount of the sums illicitly received would amount to over 13 thousand euros, while the non-compliances found allowed for recover over 150 thousand euros in INPS contributions and sanctions.
Finally they were found administrative violations for almost 35 thousand euros for previous illegal work involving three workers.
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