Erice, remote arrest by the Carabinieri

The Carabinieri have arrested the alleged perpetrator of the fuel theft, perpetrated last November, to the detriment of the municipality of Erice (Trapani)

Erice (Trapani), remote arrest by the Carabinieri

The Carabinieri of the Erice Station have arrested the alleged perpetrator of the fuel theft, perpetrated last November, to the detriment of the municipality of Erice.

The survey, initiated by the military following the complaint filed by municipal staff, would have led to the identification, also through the images from the video surveillance systems, of a subject who had already been reported, a few days earlier, for a similar crime and placed under house arrest.

Erice, arresto a distanza da parte dei Carabinieri

The subsequent search would have allowed them to ascertain that the man against whom the investigations were being carried out had gone to the Ragusa area. An immediate report was made to the Carabinieri of Vittoria who, thanks to the description of the subject (still in video call with the Carabinieri of Erice), identified him and arrested him for evasion.

Following the validation hearing, the man was once again placed under house arrest.

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