Alcamo, they set fire to a car: 3 people from Partinico reported by the Carabinieri

Upon reaching the site of the fire, the Carabinieri stopped the 32-year-old who was running, with a can in his hand, in the direction of a parked vehicle

Alcamo, they set fire to a car: 3 people from Partinico reported by the Carabinieri.

The Carabinieri of the Alcamo Company have reported three people from Partinico aged 32, 37 and 17 for the crime of damage followed by fire.

The soldiers of the Carabinieri, during a night patrol service, were alerted by the Fire Brigade. for a car on fire (a Fiat Punto) in the town of Alcamo. Upon reaching the site of the fire, the Carabinieri stopped the 32-year-old who was running, with a can in his hand, in the direction of a vehicle parked nearby, with two other people on board.

From the investigations carried out immediately, the military seized a lighter (found in the possession of the 32-year-old following a personal search), noting that the can still contained traces of flammable liquid and acquired the video surveillance images, that they would have filmed the 32-year-old while he set fire to the car.

Alcamo, appiccano il fuoco a un'autovettura: denunciati 3 partinicesi dai Carabinieri

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