Sassari: Annual report on the activity of the Local Police, road accidents caused by the use of cell phones increase

annual report

Sassari: Annual report on the activity of the Local Police, road accidents caused by the use of cell phones increase

The traditional meeting was held at the Command in via Carlo Felice meeting with the press during which a year of activity of the Local Police was presented. Mayor Giuseppe Mascia and Commander Gianni Serra illustrated the report: an important and detailed document that highlights the quality of work and the quantity of actions carried out by the agents in 12 months. The data highlight the fundamental role played by the Local Police in the field of urban security, understood not only as real security, but also as the perception of security by the community.

Again, among the points most highlighted by the report, there is the dramatic one of road accidents. In 2024 the growth in the number of accidents appears unstoppable, both total and those that have caused injuries to the parties involved. There were 1.356 road accidents detected by the Local Police of Sassari (1330 in 2023), of which 488 with injuries. 7 deaths were recorded in 2024, of which 4 accidents were reported by the local police. Last year, 9 deaths were recorded. Furthermore, 79 pedestrians were hit in 2024, two of whom died, one was hospitalized with a reserved prognosis, 22 suffered very serious injuries.

With specific reference to the causes triggering the accidents, Distraction attributable to cell phone use remains in first place with very high percentages. Other data that have been analyzed and reported analytically in the document concern the roads with the highest accident rate, the months in which the most accidents were recorded, the weather conditions, the age of the people involved, the percentage of pedestrians hit on the total number of people involved, the vehicles involved in relation to the fleet in circulation. On the sanctions front, thanks to the road safety campaigns carried out in 2024 There has been an increase in violations for using a cell phone while driving (718 violations, up from 510 in 2023) and for not wearing seat belts (343 fines, up from 159 in 2023).

Actions aimed at protecting the weakest sections of road users have allowed us to ascertain 838 violations for illegal parking in spaces reserved for disabled people (615 in 2023), 1.412 fines for parking on pedestrian crossings (1112 in 2023), 2.088 violations for parking on sidewalks (1629 in 2023). The report therefore certifies a strong increase in these violations and related sanctions compared to 2023.

The psychophysical alteration linked to alcohol consumption or the use of narcotic substances has an increasingly greater impact on driving behaviour that is detrimental to the safety of road users. (76 reports for driving under the influence of alcohol, 36 for driving under the influence of narcotics), but the data relating to the escapes of drivers who caused the accident is worrying (52 reported, compared to 37 the previous year).

Sassari: Report annuale sull'attività della Polizia Locale, aumentano gli incidenti stradali causati dall'uso del cellulare

But the local police does not only deal with road accidents; there are countless fields of activity, ranging from urban security, to proximity garrisons, to judicial police activities, to environmental, building and commercial police duties, passing through decentralised offices, coastal surveillance, numerous legality campaigns, solidarity.

The report highlights the consolidation of activities aimed at combating crimes against persons and property (13,41 percent), while the increase of more than 31 percent of the activities delegated by the Judicial Authority demonstrates the ever-increasing trust that the latter places in the Local Police. The importance of prevention activities carried out by the dog unit in schools is confirmed, activities agreed and shared by the school institutions.

With reference to the activities of the specialist units, the environmental police checks stand out (4.774) crime reports (increased by 200 percent), overflights with state drones aimed at controlling the territory (193). Regarding the building police checks, the 2024 report highlights the increased number of checks, of detected crimes, the intensification of checks in the historic center (1.391 building assessments in this area of ​​the city).

2024 is also characterised by the strengthening of proximity nuclei (neighbourhood agents): they are three police stations are permanently present in the historic center and the San Donato presence has been further strengthened by providing for the assignment of eight officers. Legality campaigns have played an important role; educational workshops were created for primary schools, the topics of bullying and cyber-bullying were addressed in secondary schools, and the topics of gender violence and addictions were debated in high schools.

Another experience with a strong educational value was the school camp, structured as a real work activity in which the human resources were the high school students. A week of work in a local Police Command, where the shift began with the signature of presence in strict compliance with the scheduled time with the knowledge that two delays would result in exclusion from school. Last but not least, solidarity: there have been countless activities aimed at giving comfort to people in need.

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