
Cagliari: the Region has allocated 1 million and 400 thousand euros for the transport of students with disabilities

An important sign of attention from the Regional Council which has allocated 1 million and 400 thousand euros - in addition to the ordinary contribution of 19 million - always with a view to policies of right to study and maximum inclusion.

Cagliari: the Region has allocated 1 million and 400 thousand euros for the transportation of students with disabilities.

An important sign of attention from the Regional Council which has 1 million and 400 thousand euros allocated – in addition to the ordinary contribution of 19 million – always with a view to right to education policies and maximum inclusion.

“In these years it is in fact increased need for school transportation for students with disabilities, especially for the second cycle – the service of which is the responsibility of the Provinces and Metropolitan Cities – and the age group for which the highest rates of school dropout are also recorded – said the councilor for public education Ilaria Portas – thanks to a budget variation we were able to give local authorities the full financial coverage to support the costs of the transport service. Today there was the publication on Buras and the notes were sent by the local government department. I also want to underline the speed and immediacy of resource delivery which will allow us to start the service already at the beginning of the school year”.

The distribution of the funding. The Metropolitan City of Cagliari will receive just under 64 thousand euros for the transportation of 57 male and female students. The Province of South Sardinia will receive approximately 378 thousand euros for 163 male and female students, while 48 thousand five hundred euros have been allocated for the transportation of 318 boys and girls from the Province of Nuoro. The Province of Oristano will receive 500 young people using the service for a contribution of 22 thousand five hundred euros. The Province of Sassari has received funding of 193 thousand euros for the school transportation of 500 disabled students.

Cagliari: la Regione ha stanziato 1 milione e 400 mila euro per il trasporto degli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità

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