Rome: They hid weapons and drugs, a 65-year-old and a 47-year-old arrested

two stops

Rome: They hid weapons and drugs, a 65-year-old and a 47-year-old arrested

The investigators of the Casilino District, in whose jurisdiction the Tor Bella Monaca neighborhood falls, in recent days they had come to know that, in via Scozza, one of the public housing apartments was used as a warehouse to store drugs to be sold in the neighborhood and beyond. After a series of stakeouts and investigations, the police identified the apartment and its assignee: a 65-year-old already known to the police. Just as they were keeping an eye on the house, they spotted a 47 year old, also living in the same building, while he was entering and exiting the apartment under investigation and was stopped in the street.

The man had with him 80 doses of cocaine and crack while in his home he hid another 60 doses of the same substances. At that point, assuming that the drugs found on the 47-year-old had been taken from there, the police decided to search the apartment from which the investigation had started. The intuition turned out to be right: the assignee, namely the 65 year old, was present in the house.

During the search 200 doses of crack and cocaine were found, a bag with just under 9 grams of cocaine and 2 pistols: a 22 caliber Beretta complete with a magazine containing 5 rounds and a Smith & Wesson 357 Magum revolver with the cylinder full of the relative 6 cartridges. The guns were hidden in different parts of the house, the drum one in a closet and the other in the bathroom.

After the routine checks, the two men were arrested. Both were charged with crime of possession of narcotics for the purpose of dealing; the 65-year-old will also have to answer for the possession of the two weapons, one of which - the revolver - considered illegal because of the erased registration number. The Prosecutor's Office requested and obtained from the Preliminary Investigations Judge the validation of the arrest and ordered the precautionary measure of prison for both suspects.

Roma: Nascondevano armi e droga, arrestati un 65enne ed un 47enne

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