Rome, the Memorandum of Understanding for the training and promotion of cyber security in schools signed between the State Police and the Cyber ​​Security Italy Foundation

As part of this collaboration, the commitment to students will continue in December with two events in Rome

Rome, the Memorandum of Understanding for the training and promotion of cyber security in schools signed between the State Police and the Cyber ​​Security Italy Foundation

It is with the intent of encouraging a path of continuous digital education and the development of transversal skills for critical and conscious learning of information technologies that Polizia di Stato and Cyber ​​Security Italy Foundation have signed a memorandum of understanding at the headquarters of the Institutional Communication Office of the Department of Public Security.

The protocol seals a fruitful collaboration already started between the Foundation and the Postal Police and for cyber security, which sees them alongside each other in schools not only for training and awareness initiatives for children, but also for the promotion and valorization of professional skills related to the world of digital and cyber security also within the State Police., which through the Postal Police has exclusive prerogatives and a leading role at national and international level in the prevention and fight against cyber crimes.

Roma, firmato il Protocollo d'intesa per la formazione e la promozione della sicurezza cibernetica nelle Scuole tra Polizia di Stato e Cyber Security Italy Foundation

The agreement was signed by the Director of the Postal Police Ivano Gabrielli and the President of the Cyber ​​Security Italy Foundation Marco Gabriele Proietti.

"In a global context that sees the online dimension as the protagonist of the lives of citizens, companies and institutions, it is necessary to focus on the training of young people, not only for an increasingly widespread and structured knowledge and awareness of the risks related to the digital territory but also to stimulate a reflection on the possible career projections related to cyber security. Professionalism of very high technical and specialist competence, necessary and increasingly requested, precisely because of the strategic nature of the subject“. So says Ivano Gabrielli, Director of the Postal Police.

"Today is an important day for the Cyber ​​Security Italy Foundation – explains the President and Founder Marco Gabriele Proietti – which officially certifies the strategic collaboration with the Postal Police, an institution of excellence and a fundamental garrison for the digital security of our country, which has supported us since the start of the Foundation's activities and projects. I would therefore like to express heartfelt thanks to the Postal Police for their constant commitment to combating Internet threats, protecting citizens, companies and institutions. This protocol represents a decisive step in building a common front against the challenges of the cyber domain. At the heart of our agreement is the belief that training and awareness, starting also from schools, represent the most effective tools to prevent and address the dangers of cyberspace. Prevention is our most powerful weapon to build a safe and resilient digital future".

The synergic work of the Postal Police and the Cyber ​​Security Italy Foundation has already led to the structuring of projects of high social value, such as the training program for disabled children by Capodarco Formazione Impresa Sociale and the one – soon to be implemented – on cybersecurity education in penal institutions.

As part of this collaboration, the commitment to students will continue in December with two events in Rome.

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