Rome, end-of-year budget of the Railway Police

The controls have also been strengthened thanks to the support provided by the smartphones supplied to the patrols and directly connected to the Police databases

Rome, end-of-year budget of the Railway Police

4.344.425 people checked, 1.147 arrested (with a percentage variation of +24% compared to 2023) and 11.440 (with a percentage variation of +20% compared to 2023) investigated: this is the first end-of-year balance of the Railway Police. The controls have also been strengthened thanks to the support provided by the smartphones supplied to the patrols and directly connected to the Police databases.

Numerous seizures were also made: 253 weapons, as well as 15 kg of heroin, approximately 1 kg of cocaine, and 35 kg of hashish. Over 8.437 fines were issued: 1.463 to the Highway Code and 3.376 fines relating to the railway police regulation. 32.198 bags were checked, including with the use of metal detectors, and 180 inspections were carried out at baggage storage facilities.

During the year, 32.199 patrols were engaged on board trains. A total of 64.517 trains were attended to. Furthermore, 10.432 patrols were set up (with a percentage variation of +4% compared to 2023) anti-pickpocketing services in civilian clothes, both at airports and on trains, with the specific aim of combating thefts and frauds against travellers.

Roma, bilancio di fine anno della Polizia Ferroviaria

Prevention activities have been encouraged with an increase in extraordinary days of territorial control for a total of 35 operations: 11 “Safe Stations”, aimed at strengthening checks on people and baggage; 12 “Rail Safe Days”, aimed at preventing improper or anomalous behavior, often the cause of accidents; 10 “Red Gold”, aimed at combating copper thefts and 2 “Action Weeks”, aimed at strengthening checks on trains carrying dangerous goods.

At the international level, cooperation activities continued with the European Association of Railway and Transport Police RAILPOL, with the aim of strengthening collaboration between member countries through the mutual exchange of information, the definition of common operational strategies and the planning of joint control actions. The Italian Railway Police participated in 2 Active Shields aimed at checking travellers and luggage, 2 Rail Prevention Weeks organised to combat the most widespread criminal phenomena in the railway sector and 1 Rail Action Week aimed at guaranteeing safety and security aspects, to protect the safety of travellers and railway infrastructures.

Furthermore, The Surveillance Unit carried out 6 checks at railway stations where there is a subsidiary security system entrusted to the Private Security Guards.

Surveillance services continued at border stations and on cross-border passenger trains with the aim of preventing illicit transnational activities, with specific reference to illegal immigration. In particular, the activities, also carried out jointly with the Austrian and German police along the border areas of Brenner and Tarvisio, allowed 19.204 foreigners to be checked. (with an increase of +69% compared to the previous year), of which 739 (with a percentage variation of +150% compared to the year 2023) traced in an irregular position.

The activity to combat copper thefts, which in the railway sector often cause delays to train circulation and significant inconvenience for travellers, resulted in approximately 2.470 checks at metal collection and recovery centres, approximately 10.050 patrol services on railway lines and approximately 2.280 roadside checks on suspicious vehicles.This complex device allowed the recovery of over 5 kg of the so-called “red gold” of illicit origin, the arrest of 19 people and the reporting of 78 individuals.

As part of the controls on dangerous goods, 35 checks were carried out on approximately 236 railway wagons, both Italian and foreign.. 10 irregularities were found during the 2 dedicated action weeks, which were carried out alongside the ordinary control activities carried out by the Specialty staff.

Furthermore, the activities of education on railway safety continued as part of the campaign “Train…to be cool”, carried out in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Merit and with the scientific support of the Faculty of Medicine and Psychology of the University of Rome Sapienza. Over 59.165 students were reached during the year. The initiative, since its inception in 2014, has allowed over 548.100 students to be reached in more than 8.500 meetings.

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