Rome: President of the Anti-Mafia Commission visits the Anagnina Investigative Center for the first time

The first meeting between the Department of Public Security and the President of the Parliamentary Anti-Mafia Commission was held yesterday morning. President Colosimo and Prefect Grassi have undertaken the commitment to proceed with joint initiatives in order to achieve the objective of combating organized crime.

Rome: President of the Anti-Mafia Commission visits the Anagnina Investigative Center for the first time

Yesterday morning at the Central Directorate of Criminal Police, the Deputy Director General of the State Police, Prefect Raffaele Grassi, met with the President of the Parliamentary Anti-Mafia Commission, Chiara Colosimo. It is the first time ever that the Anagnina Investigative Center receives a visit from a president of the Anti-Mafia Commission.

Roma: Presidente della Commissione Antimafia per la prima volta in visita al Polo Investigativo Anagnina

Prefect Grassi, after the opening thanks, has illustrated the strategies of the Central Directorate in the action of contrasting complex phenomena attributable to Italian and foreign mafia-type organizations, focusing on the opportunity to export abroad the experiences supported by our Police Forces, aimed above all at hitting assets illegally accumulated with the proceeds of international drug trafficking.

On this point, President Colosimo had the opportunity to exchange opinions with the entire inter-force apparatus, including the Anti-Mafia Investigation Directorate, the Central Directorate for Anti-Drug Services and the Service for International Police Cooperation, taking direct knowledge of the respective projects underway, in Europe and in the world, carried out in communion with Europol and Interpol.

The President then visited the premises of the International Operations Room, the single point of contact with all the police forces in the world, as well as the Cyber ​​Security Operations Center, a cutting-edge structure, inaugurated in 2021, set up for the prevention and timely intervention in the event of cyber incidents to the police force databases, whether accidental or malicious.

Following the meeting, President Colosimo and Prefect Grassi committed to proceeding with joint initiatives in order to achieve the same objective, that of combating organized crime in its various forms and expressions, including at an international level.

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