
Rome, Police Headquarters launches security plan for Jubilee of Hope 2025. Test day on December 8th

The security plan for the Jubilee Year is ready, contained in a service ordinance on public order and security by the Police Chief of Rome.

Rome, Police Headquarters launches security plan for Jubilee of Hope 2025. Test day on December 8th

The security plan for the Jubilee Year is ready, contained in a service ordinance on public order and security by the Police Chief of Rome.

The planning, structured on the basis of the guidelines of the Minister of the Interior Matteo Piantedosi and the directives of the Chief of Police - Director General of Public Safety, comes at the end of numerous moments of sharing within the Provincial Committee for Public Order and Safety chaired by the Prefect of Rome and of thematic in-depth discussions in the technical tables held at the Police Headquarters over the last two months.

It is a document of about 150 pages that regulates the planning of security profiles that will affect the Capital during the entire Jubilee period: "welcome, courtesy and rigor" will be the key words from which the security machine will move.

It is a real network of skills, which will involve the entire urban area and which, in concentric stages, starting from the most peripheral areas, will then degrade until reaching the heart of the city: it will start from the main logistics hubs - including airports and the port of Civitavecchia - and then proceed along the road and rail routes useful for reaching the city.

Control of the territory and management of security during individual events are the two tracks along which the security machine conceived by the Police Headquarters will move.

Thanks to the reinforcements provided by the Department of Public Security, the territorial control system will be strengthened throughout the year, with dedicated patrols, which will be entrusted with the control of the areas near the Jubilee basilicas.

Then, we move on to the historic center, to the Trident, in whose perimeter three directions have been drawn that will see crews engaged in the protection of pilgrims and at the same time tourists.

Also contributing were the Crime Prevention Units and the Rapid Intervention Teams of the State Police and the Carabinieri respectively.

Like links in a chain, the resources described will be joined to the work of the Railway Police, the Highway Police and the Border Police of the State Police, each according to the specificity of their competences, and the Local Police Corps of Rome Capital.

There will be no shortage of resources to offer pilgrims the right welcome. Mobile offices of the State Police and the Carabinieri will, in fact, be located in various points of the city and the Jubilee sites, including Piazza Pia, Piazza Risorgimento, Piazza di Spagna, as well as at the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls and at the Basilica of St. John Lateran.

The defense sector will also not fail to make its contribution. By strengthening the Safe Roads operation, the Italian Army will contribute to the permanent presence of the underground stations, in particular those serving the Jubilee basilicas, as well as the sites with the greatest tourist attraction due to their proximity to cultural sites.

Roma, Questura vara il piano sicurezza per il Giubileo della Speranza 2025. Test day l'8 Dicembre

The second track along which the Jubilee security machine will travel is that of the individual appointments scheduled by the Papal Household.

For each of them, a dedicated security device will be planned and developed, which will be divided into three parts, the areas concerned into different zones: the buffer zone, the reserved area and the maximum security area, each one characterized by an increasing security gradient and corresponding controls.

The security plan, based on the profile of the individual appointments, will then be integrated by the deployment of special assets, including both the specialized departments of the State Police and the Carabinieri, also with a view to preventing the terrorist threat, and through the installation of anti-drone stations by the competent departments of the armed forces.

The Cyber ​​Security Center will instead be entrusted with the “virtual” protection of individual events and the country’s strategic IT infrastructures, also in close coordination with the CNAIPIC (National Anti-Cybercrime Center for the Protection of Critical Infrastructures) of the Postal Police.

The international calibre of the public expected in the Capital on the occasion of the Jubilee programme will also see the implementation of joint patrols by the Italian police forces together with foreign police officers identified within the framework of international police cooperation channels.

The greatest use, in terms of third countries involved, will certainly be expected on the occasion of the Jubilee of Youth, which will take place, as is known, in Tor Vergata during the summer.

Furthermore, the surveillance of the Tiber will not be neglected, and will be entrusted to the River Police of the Capitoline Police Headquarters, with the assistance of the Guardia di Finanza vessels.

To complete the security machine, there is also the mechanism of volunteering, composed of multiple entities ranging from the Opera romana pellegrinaggi, to Unitalsi, up to the third sector associations belonging to the Carabinieri and the State Police, which will compete in the services by offering every useful measure to assist the pilgrims who will reach the Jubilee destinations, in the name of a culture and civic commitment that has always been precious for the entire community.

The coordination system in the management phase of public order and safety services will be based at the Event Security Management Center of the Office of General Prevention and Public Aid of the Rome Police Headquarters, in order to guarantee the effectiveness of the information flow between the Police Forces, the Administrations and the Bodies called to participate and which will ensure the coordination of all the Forces in the field also on the occasion of all the concomitant events that will affect the Capital during the entire Jubilee period.

To date, 62 major events have been recorded that are relevant to public order and safety in the Capital.

The security plan, as developed and formalized today, was shared not only with the professionals, but also with the delegates of the embassies to the Italian State based in the Capital, in order to guarantee all useful information for the benefit of the foreign pilgrims expected in the Capital.

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