Rome: Hotel guest discovered without documents and in possession of 2 folding knives by the State Police
Following the results of the investigations of the State Police in the accommodation facilities, the Police Chief issues a provision suspending the license for 7 days with consequent closure of the business, in application of article 100 of the TULPS
Rome: Hotel guest discovered without documents and in possession of 2 folding knives by the State Police
The activity carried out by the Rome police headquarters aimed at curbing situations of clandestinity and contempt for the regulations in force in accommodation facilities, also with a view to broader prevention within the security system set up for the Jubilee Year.
Seals were placed on a hospitality facility located in Via del Castro Pretorio on the afternoon of January 9th. By order of the Police Commissioner pursuant to art. 100 TULPS, it will remain closed for the next seven days.
The irregularities were later discovered by State Police officers from the Viminale police station, assisted by personnel from the Administrative Division of the Police Headquarters.
In fact, from the findings made by the police during a targeted administrative check, the presence of a person without identification documents, found in possession of 2 folding knives and moreover already known for previous ones of police against him.
From subsequent investigations carried out on the structure through the portal “Web Alloggiati” of the Rome Police Headquarters, it was also found that the owner of the same had never, up to that moment and in any way communicated to the State Police Authority the presence of the person stopped by the officers.
Based on what emerged, the Police Chief of Rome, having examined the documentation, adopted a provision with which he ordered the immediate suspension for seven days of the license with consequent closure of the activity.
It was the same officers from the Administrative and Social Division who placed the seals on the accommodation facility.
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