Rome: House burglaries, 5 individuals between 28 and 51 years old arrested
burglaries in homes
Rome: House burglaries, 5 individuals between 28 and 51 years old arrested
The five accomplices, aged between 28 and 51, all of Roma ethnicity, arrested by the State Police, are seriously suspected of the crimes of attempted theft and resisting a public official. The analysis of images taken from the video surveillance system helped to frame them which allowed the investigators of the XV Ponte Milvio District to reconstruct the dynamics of the episode for which the five accomplices were responsible.
It all started a few days ago when the agents, on duty to control the territory, intercepted, in via Ubaldo degli Ubaldi, a car with five men aboard parked in the second row. The attention of the police was caught by the suspicious movements of three of them who, after putting on balaclavas, had entered a condominium and then left after a few minutes.
Once back on board the vehicle, they then sped off along Via Gregorio VII, chased – without their knowledge – by the officers until the car stopped moving again in via delle Cave Aurelia. At that point, two of them had headed towards a house located on the first floor of a condominium and then split up: while one acted as a lookout, the other – after having tried in vain to force the window – had climbed over the gate and accessed the courtyard in front.
In that moment, the policemen, who in the meantime had followed them without losing sight of them, came out into the open. While they managed to block and secure one of the two despite the latter's strenuous resistance, the other had managed to escape and escape, together with the other accomplices, on board the car, at great speed.
Their escape ended, however, when, on the Lungotevere, they were surrounded by the car radio: following them, the officers found burglary tools, gloves and balaclavas. At that very moment, a note was broadcast via radio about a presumed theft at a house in via Monte del Gallo. The alarm was raised by the owner, who was out of town at the time, who had been alerted by the burglar alarm system and by the images - remotely transmitted to her cell phone - from which three individuals could be glimpsed who had furtively entered her home.
The immediate analysis of the frames allowed the police officers, in a short time, to associate the faces captured by the video surveillance system with those of the five men who were before them. All of them were arrested – validated by the judicial authority – for the crime of attempted theft; one of them was also charged with resisting a public official.
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