Rome: important arrests by the State Police in the fight against drug dealing, more than 15 kg of drugs and 70 thousand euros in cash seized

Constant commitment of the State Police in the context of activities aimed at combating drug dealing,

Rome: important arrests by the State Police in the fight against drug dealing, more than 15 kg of drugs and 70 thousand euros in cash seized

The State Police officers of the III District Fidene Serpentara, while passing by Tiburtine Mountains Street, they noticed a subject running with a large box in his hands.

The police then stopped him and identified him and from an initial check the man turned out to be already known to the police force, furthermore he was unable to provide any explanations regarding his presence on that street at that moment.

He then showed a poorly concealed agitation during the identification phase, which prompted the police to search the 48enne and see what was inside the box in his possession.100 blocks of hashish, for a total weight of 10 Kg, as recovered by the officers who, once they had accompanied the arrested person to the District offices, proceeded with the arrest, subsequently validated by the GIP with the measure of house arrest and the device of the so-called electronic bracelet.

Roma: importanti arresti da parte della Polizia di Stato nella lotta allo spaccio di stupefacenti, sequestrati più di 15 kg di droga e 70 mila euro in contanti

A brilliant operation was then carried out in Fleming neighborhood by investigators of the State Police of the XV District Ponte Milvio following an intense investigative activity.

The policemen, while passing by Valdagno Street, they noticed a man who was talking to another person with a cautious attitude and, at the sight of the officers, he was clearly intimidated.

As he was walking towards his car, investigators reached him and checked him. At the end of the search, the operators found 18 doses of cocaine, a bunch of keys and 930 euros in cash hidden inside a jacket that was placed on the back seats of the car; they also found a vacuum packing machine in the car.

Subsequently, the officers reached the man's home, located in the municipality of Caprarola, which they gained access to thanks to the keys found; There they found 2 precision scales, different drug packaging material and over 1kg of cocaine already divided into doses and ready to be placed on the illicit market.

Therefore, at the end of the ritual activities, the man, a 46 year old Roman, was arrested because he was seriously suspected of the crime of possession of narcotics for the purpose of dealing and the Prosecutor's Office requested and obtained from the Preliminary Investigations Judge the validation of the arrest.

Roma: importanti arresti da parte della Polizia di Stato nella lotta allo spaccio di stupefacenti, sequestrati più di 15 kg di droga e 70 mila euro in contanti

In the residential area of Ottavia, the investigators of the Primavalle District, as part of an investigation into a physical and virtual drug dealing hub that operated not only in Rome but also in Umbria, they arrested a 31enne in whose home they were found various and valuable types of hashish and marijuana -known in slang as “tastings” -, more than 70 thousand euros in cash, the necessary for the weighing and preparation of the narcotic and a sort of accounting of the illicit activity.

The Rome Public Prosecutor's Office requested and obtained from the GIP the validation of the arrest and the application of precautionary custody in prison.

The officers of the Rome-Settebagni Highway Police near the Laurentina junction They ordered a vehicle that was travelling along the road to stop GRA. Despite the stop, the occupants of the car attempted to disappear into the traffic with dangerous maneuvers, even trying to ram the police vehicle.

After a short chase, the police officers managed to stop the car carrying the mother and son, and to recover a bag that had been thrown onto the road by the fugitives during their escape. Inside the bag, they found 4 wraps containing narcotic substances of the type hashish, for a total weight of kg. 4,2.

Roma: importanti arresti da parte della Polizia di Stato nella lotta allo spaccio di stupefacenti, sequestrati più di 15 kg di droga e 70 mila euro in contanti

During the search carried out at their home, the officers found material suitable for packaging of the narcotic.

The man and the woman were arrested for possession of narcotics for the purpose of dealing and resisting a public official. The following day, at the Court of Rome,

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