Civitavecchia: A fraud scheme to obtain illicit economic benefits has been exposed, involving Tunisian citizens.

Operation "Easy Money" led to the discovery of a fraud network that caused damage of approximately 300.000 euros, with the accusation of falsification of documents and abuse of public subsidies.

Civitavecchia: A fraud scheme to obtain illicit economic benefits has been exposed, involving Tunisian citizens.

La State Police di Civitavecchia, coordinated by the local Prosecutor's Office, headed by the Chief Prosecutor Albert Liguori, unmasked a criminal system involving numerous Tunisian citizens who arrived in Italy via ferries from Tunisia.

Through an investigation that lasted more than a year, the police officers of the Maritime Border Police of Civitavecchia they found that these individuals simulated a continuous presence in Italy to obtain residence permits and economic benefits of various types, which they then exploited by returning to Tunisia with their families.

Il modus operandi consisted of presenting oneself as an income earner below the established threshold, in order to be able to request various economic benefits from state bodies, such as the single check, the family allowance, education vouchers e the maternity bonus to support their daily needs. To obtain these subsidies, the subjects under investigation presented a series of documents falsely certifying the economic precariousness, the composition and stable presence in Italy of the family unit, as well as residence in Italy.

The investigations conducted revealed that many of the minors who benefited from the educational bonuses had never attended Italian schools and were completely unaware of the Italian language, and that many of the Tunisians had stayed in Italy only for short periods.

All this was also discovered thanks to interviews carried out directly on the territory, at the educational establishments where minors were registered, and where it emerged that the latter, in some cases, had not attended even one day of school.

The investigation, conducted across the entire national territory with the involvement of bodies such as municipalities, schools e National Social Security Institutes, highlighted a modus operandi common among the nine Tunisians involved, with an overall estimated damage of approximately 300.000 €.

The activity allowed to reconstruct a common operating method among the Tunisian citizens involved, thanks to an investigative activity conducted throughout the national territory.

Collaboration between different Look, including, in addition to that of Civitavecchia, also those of GenoVa, Velletri, funfair, Siena, Pistoia e Ancona, has led to the opening of criminal proceedings against nine non-EU citizens accused of having fraudulently obtained approximately 300.000 € of public money.

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