Torre Gaia: 5-month pregnant woman beaten and clubbed by husband because she hadn't prepared dinner, 37-year-old arrested
5-month pregnant woman beaten and sent alone to hospital with the threat of "not telling anything" to doctors and police. The victim overcame her fear and had her husband arrested thanks to the intervention of the State Police present at the hospital.
Torre Gaia: 5-month pregnant woman beaten and clubbed by husband because she hadn't prepared dinner, 37-year-old arrested
It was just after 3 in the afternoon when the emergency room doctors notified the police station officer that they were treating a woman who had “fallen down the stairs”. The woman, at the sight of the policeman, broke down and told her story of being beaten and threatened by her husband. In a short time, the alleged abuser was arrested by the State Police who also secured the couple's children.
It is unfortunately a script already seen and when the doctors heard from the woman they were treating a head wound that she had fallen down the stairs on her own they immediately activated the Police Station. The experience and empathy of the State Police officer led the woman to tell what had happened to her not only that day, but also in recent years.
The victim, with the investigators of the Casilino District, formalized the complaint by saying that the previous evening her husband, after accusing her of not having prepared him dinner - even though the man was supposed to be at work until late - first insulted her and then hit her on the head with a stick and in doing so ordered her to keep quiet because it was always her fault.
The woman, 5 months pregnant and with 2 small children at home, only found the strength to go to the hospital late at night, despite her husband's orders to tell the doctors that she had fallen down the stairs. To ensure impunity, the man, while his wife was in the hospital, sent her a message reiterating what to say about the incident. The woman also explained that the violence had been going on for a few years but she herself had never reported it for fear of reprisals, including against her children. Children who, on more than one occasion, had witnessed the violence.
The investigators went to the apartment and, first of all, with the necessary precautions, they secured the children. The house showed signs of violence and on the floor the stick was found and seized.
At the end of the investigations, the man, a 37-year-old of Sri Lankan origin, was arrested because he was seriously suspected of the crime of mistreatment in the family and aggravated injuries.
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