Rome: the balance of the extraordinary territorial control services of the Carabinieri. Several reports for dealing, receiving stolen goods and unjustified possession of weapons

Over the last 48 hours, the activity, aimed at preventing and combating widespread crime and the resulting urban decay that significantly impact real and perceived security by citizens, and shared with other police forces and under the aegis of the Prefecture of Rome, has seen the use of approximately 120 Carabinieri with the deployment of patrols and numerous checkpoints.

Rome: the balance of the extraordinary services of territorial control of the Carabinieri. Several reports for dealing, receiving stolen goods and unjustified possession of weapons.

It is of 519 people identified, 241 vehicles checked, one arrest and 5 reports, the balance sheet of extraordinary territorial control services in Rome, in Corviale area, by the Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Rome with the assistance of the Operational Intervention Teams of the Lazio Regiment, a helicopter, canine units and specialized departments of the Carabinieri such as the NAS and the Labor Inspectorate Unit.

In the last 48 hours, the activity, aimed at preventing and counteracting the widespread crime phenomena and consequent urban decay that significantly impact the real and perceived safety of citizens, and shared with other police forces and under the aegis of the Prefecture of Rome, has seen the use of approximately 120 Carabinieri with the deployment of patrols and numerous checkpoints.

Specifically, the Carabinieri of the Roma Eur Company have a man was stopped for a check and found in possession of 6 doses of cocaine. The subsequent house search led to the discovery and seizure of six more doses of the same drug, two precision scales, packaging material, a knife soaked in hashish and cash, believed to be the proceeds of illicit activity. The man was arrested for possession for the purpose of dealing of narcotic substances.

During the activities, the Carabinieri also reported stolen the man's son, found in possession of 10 blank prescription pads, issued by the National Health Service. The young man was also reported to the Prefecture for possession of a dose of hashish, for personal use. The same report was also made for three other young people found in possession of small quantities of marijuana.

The Carabinieri then reported three young Romans for stolen: two 16-year-olds stopped while hiding a moped, which was found to be stolen, and a 19-year-old stopped on board a moped and found driving with a stolen helmet.

A 70-year-old Roman man found also reported in possession of a knuckle duster, a 16 cm long folding knife and a truncheon.

As part of the service, together with specialized personnel from the NAS and NIL of Rome, the Carabinieri of the Roma Eur Company carried out a series of inspections at commercial activities of the neighborhood by fining, for a total of 3.000 euros, the owners of two bars: one for organizational shortcomings and the other for hygiene and health shortcomings, for the failure to implement self-control procedures and for organizational shortcomings.

The Carabinieri then carried out several road traffic checkpoints, sanctioning 7 motorists: two for failure to inspect their vehicle, two for failure to possess a registration document, one for failure to have insurance coverage, one for running a red light and one for overtaking on a continuous line.

The Carabinieri control services, in line with the directives issued by the Minister of the Interior, will continue in the coming days with constant regularity and in various areas of the Capital, with particular attention to those of greater social aggregation, including railway stations, historic centers, public parks and nightlife areas.

Roma: il bilancio dei servizi straordinari di controllo del territorio dei Carabinieri. Diverse le denunce per spaccio, ricettazione e possesso ingiustificato di armi

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