Rome: First phase of redevelopment works inaugurated in Via di San Teodoro for the Jubilee.
The first phase of the redevelopment works in via di San Teodoro has been completed: 300 thousand cobblestones have been repositioned and a new sidewalk has been created for the future Archaeological Walk
Rome: First phase of redevelopment works inaugurated in Via di San Teodoro for the Jubilee.
The first phase of the works has been completed in via di San Teodoro, conducted by the Department of Infrastructure and Public Works. The project, which will later include via del Foro Romano, is financed with 2 million euro as part of the initiatives for the Jubilee.
The intervention concerned the redevelopment of 7.500 mXNUMX of road, with the repositioning of 300 thousand cobblestones , construction of a new sidewalkThe works are part of the larger project of the CArMe (Monumental Archaeological Center), aimed at creating a Archaeological Walk around the Palatine Hill and the Capitoline Hill.
The pedestrian route – which will also include the Salite del Campidoglio, via dei Fori Imperiali, via di San Gregorio and via dei Cerchi – will offer visitors a new vision of the archaeological area. Not just individual monuments, but an integrated system that unites historical testimonies and urban landscape.
Interventions carried out in the first phase
The first section, which goes from via di San Teodoro to via dei Fienili, saw:
- Repositioning of the cobblestones disconnected from the passage of cars;
- Construction of a sidewalk on the Palatine side (width varying between 5 and 7 metres);
- Vehicle transit lane of 4 meters and parcheggio of about 2 meters;
- Protected pedestrian path of 1,60 meters on the side of the buildings.
The road will be mainly used for pedestrians, but car traffic will be permitted with a speed limit of 30 km/h.
The next phases
The works will continue with the redevelopment of the final stretch of Via di San Teodoro and Via del Foro Romano, where additional cobblestones will be laid, sidewalks and a small square at the foot of the Campidoglio will be created. Additional elements of street furniture, such as benches and information tools, inspired by the project Labics, winner of the international competition.
The statements
«The first block of the construction site is finally concluded CARME which, once the work on Via di San Gregorio is completed, will give life to a splendid Archaeological Walk around the Palatine Hill and the Capitoline Hill. A unique glimpse that enhances the historical heritage and creates more space for pedestrians, improving the experience for both Romans and tourists", declared the Mayor of Rome, Roberto Gualtieri.
The Councilor for Public Works, Ornella Counters, added: «The San Teodoro construction site is not just a road redevelopment project, but represents a new concept of the city that promotes pedestrian mobility. We have created a wide sidewalk and followed the indications of the Superintendency to preserve the greenery and enhance the cobblestones, a symbol of Roman tradition. This project is part of a broader renewal plan, with 600 km of roads already upgraded for the Jubilee."
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