
Rome, two “diploma factories” dismantled in Velletri and Latina. Four arrests and 120.000 euros seized

The operation is part of the memorandum of understanding between the Ministry of Education and Merit and the Guardia di Finanza, confirming the constant commitment to combating fraud and protecting economic and financial legality.

Rome, two “diploma factories” dismantled in Velletri and Latina. Four arrests and 120.000 euros seized

The Finance Police of the Provincial Command of Rome have executed an order for the application of the precautionary measure of house arrest against four people accused, to varying degrees, of criminal association aimed at defrauding private individuals, the Lazio Region and for falsification of public documents.

The operation, conducted by the "fiame gialla" of Velletri and coordinated by the local Public Prosecutor's Office, shed light on acriminal organization that, through two institutes based in Velletri and Latina, issued diplomas as “social health worker” and certificates of specialization in “first aid and safety at work” without the necessary completion of mandatory training courses and internships.

Roma, smantellati due "diplomifici" a Velletri e Latina. Quattro arresti e 120.000 euro sequestrati

The investigations, launched following reports from the Lazio Region and numerous complaints, have ascertained that over 160 people from all over Italy have obtained false qualifications, in some cases even during unlikely situations: a case in point is that of a drug dealer living in Tuscany, under house arrest, who was formally present at the lectures.

At the request of the Public Prosecutor's Office, the GIP of Velletri also ordered the preventive seizure of approximately 120.000 euros, an amount equal to the contribution paid by the Lazio Region to the companies involved in the Workers' Employability Guarantee (GOL) program, financed with funds from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR).

Roma, smantellati due "diplomifici" a Velletri e Latina. Quattro arresti e 120.000 euro sequestrati

The operation is part of the memorandum of understanding between the Ministry of Education and Merit and the Guardia di Finanza, confirming the constant commitment to combating fraud and protecting economic and financial legality.

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