Rome, State Police seized over five quintals of pyrotechnics. 4 people reported

The State Police has always carried out an awareness and information campaign on the dangers deriving from the incorrect use of fireworks with particular attention to "illegal firecrackers"

Rome, State Police seized over five quintals of pyrotechnics. 4 people reported

The State Police has always carried out an awareness and information campaign on the dangers deriving from the incorrect use of fireworks with particular attention to "illegal firecrackers"; at the same time, in view of the New Year, throughout the province of Rome, controls have been intensified to prevent and repress the sale of illegal explosives.

Precisely in this area, In the Corviale and La Rustica neighborhoods, more than 5 quintals of various pyrotechnic materials were seized.

Roma, sequestrati dalla Polizia di Stato oltre cinque quintali di artifizi pirotecnici. 4 le persone denunciate

The agents of the XI San Paolo District, for some days now, had focused their attention among the buildings of Corviale where, at any hour, explosive material was detonated. Precisely in order to identify the source, specific services were prepared.

The first blitz was launched on Christmas Eve, when the officers, after yet another 'bang' was fired, managed to identify a boy who, after unloading some large boxes from a white van, took them inside his home. The investigators then traced the boy's apartment: once inside, they found 11 boxes - some of which were already open - all containing pyrotechnic material for a total weight of 150 kg.

The same officers, in the morning, supported by their bomb disposal colleagues, canine units and staff from ASL Roma 3, inspected a bar that always carries out its activity close to the "serpentone". In the premises, in plain sight, 20 cardboard boxes were found inside which more than 350 kg of pyrotechnic material were stored, material for which the store managers had no type of authorization.

Roma, sequestrati dalla Polizia di Stato oltre cinque quintali di artifizi pirotecnici. 4 le persone denunciate

At the end of the investigations, all the material - both that found on Christmas Eve and that seized yesterday - was secured by the bomb disposal experts of the Police Headquarters, seized and sampled according to the directives of the Judiciary.

The boy who had 150 kg of "firecrackers" at home, as well as the owner of the bar and his son – who was present during the inspection – they were reported to the judicial authorities; therefore, they are currently under investigation for having violated the ban on the manufacture or trade of explosive materials and for having failed to report the same type of material.

Another complaint was filed following an investigative activity conducted by the agents of the VI Casilino District: this time, the police targeted a man of Chinese origins. Inside his car, parked in the warehouse of a commercial establishment, were hidden, without any caution in their custody, about 30 kg of pyrotechnic articles. All the material found was seized, while the man was reported to the Judicial Authority for having purchased the fireworks without authorization and without technical qualification.

Roma, sequestrati dalla Polizia di Stato oltre cinque quintali di artifizi pirotecnici. 4 le persone denunciate

State Police checks will continue in the next few hours. Below are the recommendations for "celebrating safely".

· Do not buy any “illegal firecrackers”The latter, in fact, not being manufactured according to the stringent current standards, have charges and reaction times to the trigger that cannot be verified and their explosion could also cause very serious injuries.

· Remember that even “legal” fireworks are potentially dangerous. Therefore, they should be handled following some simple rules: carefully read the instructions on the packaging of the purchased items; light fireworks only outdoors, away from children and away from potentially flammable objects; never light fireworks in the presence of wind and do not leave them unattended; in the event of a malfunction, do not try to light them again even after several hours, but immediately report their presence to 1 1 2 – Single emergency number; do not collect unexploded or apparently intact fireworks because their movement, rubbing or impact could cause a sudden explosion.

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