Festa del Tricolore: President De Pascale in Reggio Emilia for the celebrations of the 288th anniversary
"Emilia-Romagna is proud to be the custodians of this immortal symbol. Our flag embodies the values of freedom and democracy that we need more than ever." The ceremony at the Teatro Valli with Mayor Massari and the President of the Province, Zanni. Also present were Stefano Baldini, gold medalist in Athens, and the Olympians Bouih and Vitelaru, in conversation with the journalist Emanuela Audisio.
Festa del Tricolore: President De Pascale in Reggio Emilia for the celebrations of the 288th anniversary
"Celebrating the tricolor represents an extraordinary and timeless emotion every year. It is a source of pride for Emilia-Romagna to be the 'guardians' of an immortal symbol that identifies Italy throughout the world: our flag embodies those principles of freedom, democracy and solidarity that we need, today more than ever“. So the President of the Region, Michele de Pascale, during the celebrations for the 228th anniversary of the proclamation of the First Tricolour in Reggio Emilia, of which he was the official speaker.
At the ceremony, at the Municipal Theatre 'Romolo Valli', also attended by the mayor of Reggio Emilia, Marco Massari, and the president of the Province of Reggio Emilia, Giorgio Zanni. Also present for the Region were the undersecretary to the Presidency, Manuela Rontini, and the councilors Elena Mazzoni and Alessio Mammi.
"The bond between our Region and the Tricolour is very strong. For this reason I would like to thank the city of Reggio Emilia and its institutions that have always worked to ensure that the Tricolour is not only protected, but valorised to the fullest - underlined de Pascale -. Even the choice to involve athletes, writers and contemporary artists in this day of celebrations brings with it the desire to always make the message that we want to launch from here today current, in particular by addressing the new generations. Reaching an increasingly wider audience is fundamental - continued the President of the Region -, because the ideals of the Republic embodied by our flag are more relevant than ever: freedom, equality, the possibility for everyone to access the fundamental rights on which our society is based, such as access to healthcare and education. Our Region relaunches its commitment in this direction and to achieve this goal everyone's contribution is needed".
This year's celebrations were deeply revised and featured athletes, writers, an orchestra and dance troupes. Among the guests, Stefano Baldini, gold medal in the marathon at the 2004 Athens Olympics, Yassin Bouih, middle distance runner competing in the 3 steeplechase in Paris 2024, Ana Maria Vitelaru, Paralympic medalist in handcycling, everyone in conversation with the journalist Emanuela Audisio, 'Brera Prize' for sports journalism.
The ceremony concluded with the performance 'Corpi sonanti InNatura. Dedicato a Claudio Abbado', by the Florestano Orchestra of the Conservatory of Music of Reggio Emilia and Castelnovo ne' Monti. An educational-artistic project in collaboration with the Aterballetto National Choreographic Center.
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