Taurianova: The Carabinieri reveal the scam of the niece and her partner to the detriment of an elderly disabled couple

Two elderly people are convinced to move back from the North to Taurianova by their granddaughter and her partner, who take the money of the disabled couple in their eighties and abandon them in a house on the outskirts without the necessary services to assist them

Taurianova: The Carabinieri reveal the scam of the niece and her partner to the detriment of an elderly disabled couple

It is a sordid story that the investigators have shed light on. Carabinieri of the Taurianova Station, town in the Reggio area.

Husband and wife, both over eighty, she is visually impaired and he suffers from Alzheimer's disease, were deceived by their own relatives, interested in getting their hands on their Flat and on theirs ..

The two elders they had been induced to return to Taurianova after a life spent in northern Italy, with the promise that their granddaughter would assist them in this delicate phase.

They had therefore sold everything and, with the proceeds, they had bought an apartment "in the center", suggested to them by their niece. They did not know, however, that the woman and her partner they were animated by the most shameful intentions.

Taurianova: I Carabinieri svelano la truffa della nipote e del compagno ai danni di una coppia di anziani disabili

Encircled from the very beginning by their snake relatives and abandoned to their own devices

According to the reconstruction of the military of the Arma, the criminal plan of the two relatives, today investigated by the Palmi Prosecutor's Office directed by Dr. Emanuele Crescenti, was to make the most of the minority status of the victims, who had been deceived from the very beginning.

The apartment purchased turned out to be in a peripheral area and lacking essential services for the two elderly people, who soon found themselves prisoners in their own home.

The care commitments with which the granddaughter had convinced her ancestors to move were, in fact, empty promises and the two elderly people were soon abandoned to themselves, in the most abject poverty. Only their neighbors help them survive, moved to compassion, they had taken care of their most basic needs.

First the 25.000 Euros pocketed for furniture that was never delivered, then the theft of the ATM and the discovery that the house was not theirs

The two suspects had not limited themselves to abandoning their grandparents but, in order to squeeze them of all their assets, they had pocketed the 25.000 Euros that had been given to him to buy furniture with which to furnish the new house.

Furthermore, the grandson of the two disabled people she had obtained the only ATM card of the two elderly people and used it for his own convenience, soon exhausting their availability.

Finally, the discovery of the greatest deception, that of not being the owners of the house they had moved into. One morning in 2024, in fact, a real estate agent had knocked on the door of the two elderly people, who had come there with two young spouses to show them the apartment.

They discovered that the money they had paid when they moved in had been used to buy the house in the name of their niece and her partner, while they only had the usufruct. The fear of not having a roof over their heads, therefore, pushed the two elderly people to report everything to the Carabinieri of Taurianova.

The two suspects must now answer for circumvention of the incapable and, on the orders of the GIP Office of Palmi, the military carried out the preventive seizure of the property and bank accounts of the niece and her partner.

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