Marina di Gioiosa Ionica, serial arsonist arrested. Arrest of suspect in crime confirmed

The man allegedly acted out of personal disagreements with some of his victims

Marina di Gioiosa Ionica (Reggio Calabria), serial arsonist stopped. Arrest of suspect in crime confirmed

A long and disturbing spiral of arson that has terrorized the community of Marina di Gioiosa Ionica seems to have found its epilogue.

Thanks to the incessant and meticulous work of the Carabinieri of the Marina di Gioiosa Ionica Station, coordinated by the Public Prosecutor's Office of Locri directed by Dr. Giuseppe Casciaro, a 60-year-old man, resident in the area, was arrested and his detention validated by the Public Prosecutor's Office of Locri.
His name, linked to a series of acts of vandalism, is now at the center of an investigation that has brought to light a lucid and disturbing criminal plan.

The story of this serial arsonist begins, in fact, on the night of October 14, 2024, when the community of Marina di Gioiosa Ionica begins to tremble in the face of a sudden series of arson attacks, which over the following months seemed to have no end.
Eleven episodes, each more destructive and dangerous than the previous one, committed against as many cars, which deeply shocked the victims and endangered the inhabitants of the many homes licked by the flames that raged uncontrollably over the parked cars.
The investigations, conducted with unceasing scrupulousness, have quickly highlighted the dangerousness of the perpetrator, who has clearly demonstrated his thorough knowledge of the town's territory and who, with a cold contempt for the potential consequences, has continued to plan every single robbery in great detail.

In fact, the man not only acted at night, taking advantage of the natural cover provided by the darkness, but he also took into due consideration the effort that each event would have caused for the rescue forces and for the patrols of the force. Hence his dangerous audacity: taking advantage of the frantic efforts to put out a fire that had just been started, he would strike again, shortly after, in a distant part of the town, certain that he would create events that would be increasingly difficult to manage promptly.

Marina di Gioiosa Ionica, fermato il serial incendiario. Convalidato il fermo di indiziato di delitto

The long and complex investigations, coordinated by the Public Prosecutor's Office of Locri, revealed a plot of revenge and resentment: the man would have in fact acted driven by personal disagreements with some of his victims, often well-known professionals in the area. His motivations were not only linked to the furious desire to destroy, but to a deep resentment that pushed him to strike in the heart of his community, aware of the climate of terror that he would continue to fuel.

The Carabinieri had to put together a complex and intricate puzzle: collect every fragment of evidence, every testimony, every clue.

The discovery of an incendiary device, which had not been properly detonated, allowed us to acquire fundamental elements for the development of the investigations: a rudimentary device (but, for that reason alone, no less dangerous) whose constituent materials, of common use, were found in the physical possession of the suspect, on whose trail the Carabinieri had by now set out.

Perhaps this is also why the man – after the subsequent arson attacks – began to make himself untraceable, thus hindering the investigators' activity.

The maniacal precautions were not however sufficient to prevent the meticulous reconstruction of the events and the collection of evidence against the man who today, thanks to the meticulous work of the Carabinieri of Marina di Gioiosa Ionica and the fundamental coordination of the Public Prosecutor's Office, will have to answer to the Court of Locri for the long trail of worries and fears instilled in the citizens, finally restored to their serenity.

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