Ravenna: State Police intervention saves a woman's life
Having avoided a disastrous epilogue, the lady was comforted by the police while waiting for the arrival of the health personnel.
Ravenna: State Police intervention saves a woman's life.
The Operations Room of the Faenza Police Station sent a patrol car to Castel Bolognese, following a report of a woman who was on the ledge of a house with clear suicidal intentions.
Immediately arriving on site, the police went up the stairs to the landing between the third and fourth floors of the condominium, where there was an open window under which a stool had been placed.
The woman was standing on the ledge, facing the outside of the building.
Having become aware of the presence of the agents when they were very close to her, she expressed her desire to make an end of it.
Once again exposed to the outside, the woman raised one foot with the clear intention of throwing herself into the void, but the policemen, having sensed what was about to happen and disdainful of their own safety, jumped onto the stool with a lightning-fast leap, leaned outwards and they grabbed the woman tightly by the leg and managed, despite her resistance, to bring her back inside the house. Having avoided a disastrous epilogue, the lady was comforted by the police while waiting for the arrival of the health personnel.
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