Ravenna: Carabinieri intensify extraordinary checks on the territory, arrests and reports in the last few days

The Carabinieri of the Radiomobile Operations Unit of the Ravenna Company, during some extraordinary preventive services, aimed at controlling the territory, with specific reference to the prevention and repression of predatory crimes and road safety, arrested three people and reported at large a young Albanian, illegally residing on the national territory.

Ravenna: Carabinieri intensify extraordinary checks on the territory, arrests and reports in the last few days

The Carabinieri of the Radiomobile Operations Unit of the Ravenna Company, during some extraordinary preventive services, aimed at controlling the territory, with specific reference to the prevention and repression of predatory crimes and road safety, arrested three people and reported at large a young Albanian, illegally residing on the national territory.

Ravenna: i Carabinieri intensificano i controlli straordinari del territorio, arresti e denunce negli ultimi giorni

The first of the three arrests has taken place last Friday, when the 112 Operations Centre was alerted for alarm report of electronic bracelet worn by a twenty-year-old from Mezzano, already subject to the measure of prohibition from approaching the places frequented by the injured party. As soon as they arrived on site, the Radiomobile soldiers ascertained that the young man, equipped with the required electronic bracelet, was in a place a very short distance from the places usually frequented by the victim, who he could not approach. Immediately taken to the barracks on Viale Pertini, he was declared under arrest for violation of the orders to leave the family home and the prohibition to approach. After the arrest was validated by the Court of Ravenna, he was again subjected to the same obligations.

In the late afternoon of Sunday evening Instead, following a report to 112 by some citizens regarding the presence of some individuals who were wandering around suspiciously near some houses, the Radiomobile patrol, which immediately arrived on the scene, managed to block and identify, in the courtyard of the condominium in question, a twenty-one year old Albanian, intent on fleeing. The same, domiciled in a Ligurian town, without identity documents, was unable to provide plausible justifications for his presence on site and, therefore, was accompanied to the barracks for the necessary investigations, from which his irregular status on the national territory emerged.
The military, after the inspection, confirmed that a house located on the first floor had been ransacked and that only thanks to the timely intervention of the Carabinieri, nothing had been stolen.

Finally, always Sunday, but late in the evening, the military intervened inside a well-known club, located in the city centre where a fight between two customers had been reported. After many difficulties it was apparently possible to sedate the an argument between two individuals, a 43-year-old and a 39-year-old, both residents of the Ravenna municipality, visibly under the influence of alcohol and already known for their judicial pasts, restoring calm among the customers present, particularly shocked by the incident.

Shortly after, however, following a report from a passerby, the same soldiers were called by the shouts and noise of the same two individuals, who were inveighing against them, not hesitating to utter serious threats and insulting phrases. In the confusion, one of the two had tried to drive his own car, with the intention of fleeing. Immediately stopped, he refused to submit to the alcohol test, he attacked one of the Carabinieri who went to the emergency room for the injuries he had sustained.

Ravenna: i Carabinieri intensificano i controlli straordinari del territorio, arresti e denunce negli ultimi giorni

When reinforcements arrived, the attackers were arrested for contempt, resistance, violence, threats and injury to a public official.
The two appeared before the judge of the Court that validated the arrest, and were sentenced to the obligation to sign three times a week.

The territorial control action, thanks also to the use of plainclothes soldiers from the operational section of the NOR and the stationary Commands from the Ravenna Company, has thus ensured the continuation of all those initiatives that the Carabinieri have long undertaken to increase the level of perceived security and the effectiveness of territorial control.

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