Ravenna: “Storymap”, the new web application for information on risks present in the municipal area

The potential risks of the municipality of Ravenna told through maps to better inform citizens.

Ravenna: “Storymap”, the new web application for information on risks present in the municipal area

The Municipality of Ravenna, with the collaboration of the Office of Territorial Information Systems and the Geological and Civil Protection Office, has recently developed a web application (storymap) that has the objective of communicating and informing citizens of the main potential risks present in the municipal territory and of the elements that make up the Civil Protection Plan of the Municipality.

The new application can be accessed from the link on the Civil Protection page of the Municipality website and clicking “Storymap”.

"The storymap – says the Councilor for Civil Protection, Gianandrea Baroncini – is a type of application that uses GIS (Geographic Information System) technology to effectively integrate maps, multimedia content and texts in a single container, reachable through a single web page, proving to be an effective tool for contextualizing, describing, and exploring specific themes, giving them a geographical dimension that, without the support of a map, would be difficult to understand. It also represents a tool suitable for citizens who, even without experience and skills in using GIS software, can be guided in understanding our territory".

The storymap, entitled “Potential risks for the population in the municipality of Ravenna: prevention and knowledge“, guides the citizen through a path that, starting from the understanding of what risk is and what the main tool for its management at a territorial level is (the Civil Protection Plan), informing him about the “information” tools already available and usable (Alert System and Emilia-Romagna Weather Alert portal), introduces him to the main potential risks to which our territory is subject.

Ravenna: "Storymap", la nuova applicazione web per l'informazione dei rischi presenti sul territorio comunale

In this first phase we focused on hydraulic risk e industrial riskEach of the two macro-themes is developed in the storymap through a sequence of contents and maps directly navigable and queried via the application. In addition to the description of what is meant by hydraulic risk and industrial risk and how the dangers (Hazards) linked to specific risks are represented, information on good conduct to be followed in the event of events related to them. Furthermore, for each of the two areas specific web apps have been prepared, which can be reached using the indicated buttons, which allow citizens to access specific maps on which you can use some more advanced localization, search and filter tools. These web applications represent a first level of in-depth study on the topics described and give citizens the opportunity to gain awareness regarding the use of more complex webgis tools.

The same software will also be implemented internally to develop applications that, through specific queries, provide immediate information on those exposed to risk in the event of emergencies. It was also essential, during the 2023 flood, to know the elements exposed to hydraulic risk in the various parts of the municipal territory where, for several vulnerable subjects, evacuations had already been carried out in the days before the event.

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