Ravenna: State Police arrests a foreign citizen who returns to prison
The arrested man has already been convicted of several crimes, including attempted murder in December 2015, when the young man, while drunk, ran over several people with his vehicle in Lido Adriano.
Ravenna: State Police arrests a foreign citizen who returns to prison.
The State Police arrested a foreign citizen who was the recipient of an aggravation order issued by the Surveillance Office of Bologna.
The arrested man has already been convicted of several crimes, including attempted murder in December 2015, when the young man, while drunk, ran over several people with his vehicle in Lido Adriano.
Following the convictions, the offender had access to the benefit of probation, but the various violations of the reintegration program induced the Bologna Surveillance Office to suspend this regime, ordering, at the same time, his transfer to prison to serve the last months of his sentence.
The measure was carried out by the Flying Squad of the Ravenna Police Headquarters who tracked down the man in this center and took him to the local prison.
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