Marina of Ravenna. Interventions worth 150 thousand euros have been approved to improve circulation and strengthen safety on the beaches

A series of interventions, worth a total of 150 thousand euros, will be carried out before the start of the summer season to improve circulation and strengthen safety on the Ravenna beaches, approved yesterday by the municipal council

Marina of Ravenna. Interventions worth 150 thousand euros have been approved to improve circulation and strengthen safety on the beaches: they will be implemented by the summer.

A series of interventions, worth a total of 150 thousand euros, will be carried out before the start of the summer season to improve circulation and strengthen safety on the Ravenna beaches, approved yesterday by the municipal council

Some concern Marina di Ravenna where, for example, the signs necessary to identify, along viale delle Nazioni, in the stretch and in the direction from the Colonia roundabout to via Ciro Menotti, the already announced lane reserved for the transit of buses, taxis, NCCs (car rental with driver), emergency vehicles, mopeds and motorcycles, in force during the summer season and only on holidays and days before holidays, starting from Saturday 15 June. All other vehicles to reach the Marina di Ravenna seafront can travel along via Trieste from the Pinaroli roundabout to the Lagunari roundabout, then take via Ciro Menotti in the stretch from the Lagunari roundabout to Viale delle Nazioni. This intervention is aimed at improving vehicle travel times along the seafront and reducing queuing.

Again in Marina di Ravenna, in the town centre, also in response to requests from the local community, a speed limit of 30 kilometers per hour will be established, considering the need to safeguard the safety of pedestrians and cyclists as much as possible in a town where there are several schools, numerous entertainment venues and restaurants, open in summer and winter as well as summer and winter markets and markets. The objective, in a context with high traffic density, is to make roads safer and mitigate the impacts of traffic on air and noise pollution.

Still in Marina di Ravenna, two promiscuous cycle-pedestrian paths will be established, one on the even street side of viale IV Novembre, in the stretch between via Trieste and viale delle Nazioni, the other in viale Ciro Menotti, always in the stretch between via Trieste and viale delle Nazioni, on the north side of the avenue, partly on a green area already used as a rest area, partly on underroads and partly on existing pavements; Parking will also be regulated along the entire stretch of the avenue.

In Marina Romea a pedestrian area will be established in the subway of Viale Italia between number 12 and number 42, improving the accessibility of bicycles and pedestrians, allowing the transit of authorized vehicles of residents or domiciled residents, and the parking of vehicles serving people with disabilities equipped with a special permit in the new parking lot that will be built.

The interventions will be completed by the implementation of new horizontal and vertical signs to improve safety and road circulation on the beaches, providing for example the signs for streets where vehicles and bicycles are used mixed, the movement of pedestrian crossings, the creation of parking areas reserved for vehicles serving people with disabilities equipped with the appropriate sign, bollards, pedestrian paths, the installation of fences, the creation of "noses" and traffic islands.

Marina di Ravenna. Approvati interventi per 150mila euro per il miglioramento della circolazione e il potenziamento della sicurezza nei lidi: saranno realizzati entro l'estate.

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