Pesaro: valuable help returns to the Informa&Servizi desk with Sara and Sofia, the Civil Service volunteers who support citizens in digital procedures

A precious help returns to the Informa&Servizi desk, which adds to the one already present in Borgo Santa Maria: the "Digital Care" project, thanks to Sara and Sofia, two volunteers who won the call for the Civil Service, who will provide support to citizens in digital procedures, to help overcome the digital divide.

Pesaro: valuable help returns to the Informa&Servizi desk with Sara and Sofia, the Civil Service volunteers who support citizens in digital procedures

From the complete and free provision of SPID, to the activation of the Electronic Identity Card and the use of the Public Administration portals. These are some of the services that Sara and Sofia, the two new volunteers of the Digital Civil Service, will carry out in support of citizens.

«Two precious figures who concretely support the citizen, to overcome the digital divide that makes it difficult for many people to use the numerous online services made available by the Municipality and other public bodies», commented the councilor with responsibility for Demographic Services Mila Della Dora.

«The project was born at the end of 2021, with councilor Francesca Frenquellucci, when, following the pandemic, the use of technology became increasingly important for all citizens. In order not to leave anyone behind, over the years, the Municipality has supported the Digital Care project which has allowed the provision of over 2500 SPIDs and support to thousands of citizens. I am happy that, by winning the tender for the Digital Civil Service, two young people can give continuity to this project».

Pesaro: allo sportello Informa&Servizi torna un aiuto prezioso con Sara e Sofia, le volontarie del Servizio Civile che supportano i cittadini nelle procedure digitali

You can use the service free of charge, at the “Digital Care” point inside the Informa&Servizi Desk of the Municipality of Pesaro, by booking an appointment through the Public Relations Office (URP) of the Municipality: by telephone at the number 0721387400 or SMS / WhatsApp / Telegram / at the number 3336180142.

The point in the centre is added to the presence of a "digital facilitator" every Monday morning and afternoon in the Rodari municipal library in Borgo Santa Maria (reservations at 0721 387976) thanks to the participation of the Administration in the project 'Digital Compass: LET'S ORIENT THE MARCHE towards new digital skills' financed by PNRR funds.

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