Pesaro: The redeveloped dance floor of the Parco dei Tigli in Borgo Santa Maria has been inaugurated.
Pozzi and Pandolfi: «Intervention that improves the usability of a central space for sharing and socializing»
Pesaro: The redeveloped dance floor of the Parco dei Tigli in Borgo Santa Maria has been inaugurated.
A Borgo Santa Maria back to dance on the redevelopment Tigli Park track. "A very important space for sociality, meeting, sharing and life for the residents of District 8", have underlined the councilor for Making Riccardo Pozzi and for Solidarity Luca Pandolfi. The new flooring of the multipurpose track in Pozzo was achieved thanks to a contribution from the participatory budget, «an intervention – continues Pozzi – which improves the usability of a place frequented by many people, especially young people."
«A wonderful result – commented the president of Quartiere 8 Michele Alessandrini –, a fruitful collaboration culminating in further growth in the relationship between local associations and the Neighborhood Council". The retraining was born from the collaboration between the Municipality of Pesaro, the Parco dei Tigli Socio-Cultural Aggregation Center and the Neighborhood Council 8. «An important step towards the empowerment and resolution of small but priority problems in the various territories."
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