Ventimiglia di Sicilia, corpse hidden in house for two years. Two brothers investigated

The hypothesis currently being examined by investigators is that the two suspects chose not to communicate their father's death and to hide his body in order to continue collecting his pension.

Ventimiglia di Sicilia (Palermo), corpse hidden in house for two years. Two brothers investigated

The Carabinieri of the Bagheria Company have reported at liberty to the Public Prosecutor's Office at the Court of Termini Imerese, two brothers in their sixties held responsible – at the moment – of concealment of a corpse and fraud against the INPS

The Carabinieri, who were contacted by a citizen who had not heard from an elderly relative for a long time, found - inside a house - a homemade coffin, containing the mortal remains of a 90-year-old originally from Ventimiglia di Sicilia.

Ventimiglia di Sicilia, cadavere nascosto in casa per due anni. Indagati due fratelli

The investigations, coordinated by the Public Prosecutor's Office, immediately focused on the man's two sons, who were also interrogated that same evening.

The hypothesis currently being examined by investigators is that the two suspects chose not to communicate their father's death and to hide his body in order to continue collecting his pension.

The Public Prosecutor's Office of Termini Imerese has ordered an autopsy on the body of the elderly man, whose death, as emerges from the results of the very first investigations, could date back to as far as two years ago.

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