Trabia: Elderly couple robbed in their home, 49-year-old arrested by the Carabinieri.
The robbery took place at dawn on the outskirts of Trabia. The criminal entered with his face covered, threatening the victims with a revolver and fleeing with wedding rings and cell phones.
Trabia: Elderly couple robbed in their home, 49-year-old arrested by the Carabinieri.
I Carabinieri of the Operational Section of the Operational and Radiomobile Nucleus of the Territorial Department of Termini Imerese, assisted by the staff of the local Carabinieri Station, carried out aprecautionary custody order in prison, issued by Judge for Preliminary Investigations of the Court of Termini Imerese, at the request of Prosecutor's Office, towards a 49enne originally from the place, already known to the police and with specific criminal records, on charges of aggravated robbery against an elderly couple which occurred a few days ago in the outskirts of Trabia.
The investigative activity conducted by the military immediately after the incident, under the careful and timely coordination of the Public Prosecutor's Office Termitana, has allowed us to outline a serious circumstantial framework against the accused, included in the precautionary measure.
The investigations have shed light on what happened in the early hours of the morning, when a couple of elderly, while she was having breakfast in her home, she was surprised by a man with the face covered by a balaclavaThe robber has threatened the couple with a revolver, demanding that all gold jewelry be handed over. Before fleeing, he took possession of wedding rings and two cell phones.
The images extracted from the systems of video surveillance present in the area, compared with the evidence of the woman and other residents, have allowed identify the alleged robber.
During the house search carried out at the home of the suspect's parents, the military found theweapon used in the crime, a six-shot revolver without red cap, and some clothes worn by the man at the time of the robbery.
For 49 year old from Trabia, as provided by Judge for Preliminary Investigations of the Court of Termini Imerese, the prison doors have opened “A. Burrafato” of Termini Imerese.
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