Termini Imerese: 35-year-old arrested for illegal possession of clandestine weapon and evasion

The man left his home to go to the scene of the fight with the aim of taking justice into his own hands.

Termini Imerese: 35-year-old arrested for illegal possession of clandestine weapon and evasion

The Carabinieri of the Territorial Department of Termini Imerese have executed an order for the application of the precautionary measure to the house arrest with electronic bracelet, issued by the Preliminary Investigations Judge of the Court of Termini Imerese, at the request of the Public Prosecutor's Office, against a 35enne, of the place, already known to the police, for illegal possession and carrying of a clandestine weapon and escape.

The investigation was conducted by the military of the Operational Section of the Radiomobile Operational Nucleus of Termini Imerese and by the Trabia Station who, under the careful direction of the local Public Prosecutor's Office, reconstructed the events that occurred on the night between 6 and 7 September last, when the suspect, subjected to home detention, he would have received the news of a violent verbal and physical fight involving his brother in a square in Trabia and, without thinking twice, he would have left his home to go to the scene of the fight with the aim of taking justice into his own hands.

According to what was outlined by the investigators, the man would have fired several gunshots against some of the people involved in the fight, who apparently managed to escape the ambush by driving away on board a car.

The incisive investigative action started by the Carabinieri immediately after the events, developed rapidly and effectively through a careful inspection of the area affected by the criminal event, as well as by systematizing the images from the video surveillance systems with some testimonies, allowed the investigators to acquire important elements that allowed the identification of the alleged perpetrator of the attack which was therefore reported to the Judicial Authority which then issued the provision.

Termini Imerese: in manette un 35enne per porto illegale di arma clandestina ed evasione

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